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Great White Cage Dive Saturday

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Don't Mention Competitions
Jul 24, 2005
Realise this is off topic, but thought would post as one of the most surreal experiences ever encountered.

Working In South Africa for the week and managed to bag a little R&R before returning.

Vis & swell poor, less than 1 metre, got a small amount of footage as needed to get out of cage as weather turned.

Off Dyer Island where they film the Great White breaches you've probably seen on BBC.

Chris Fallows worked here for years, photographing the breaches.

Need to return for work March next year, autumn/winter in Cape Town has better viz and strangely, warmer water.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nIHZqDqPQGE]YouTube - SouthAfricaWhiteSharkNov09[/ame]
Whats the cage for you big girls blouse ;)

Would love to go and dive with something that big.
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So Robbo could you please tell us more - was it the size of the creature that made the experience so surreal?
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