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Greendiver in Egypt!!

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Sea fanatic
May 2, 2005
Greendiver spearo in Egypt!!

Hi guys, I am currently in Egypt , for a couple of months to do my scuba thing.. (Hurghada)
Well...!!! I am here....amazing!!!...can not tell you anything else..this is unbelievable!!

Grouper everywhere, AJ's (similar to the med ones), Barracudas, in one day...
I already met a guy, told me...we will go fishing next week!! Can not wait!!
Will tell you one thing, tis is gonna be mega cool!!!
And the thing is they are not really afraid of scuba divers, the place is not visited that much, I was told.
Anyways, hope to show you guys some cool pics soon!!
one thing....people fishing in this region will not impress me that much, with pics!!( of monster fish)
The end of the day, was in between 16 dolphins, was trying to imitate their sound and they came to me....touched them...
Amazing place, although Egypt scares the hell out of me!!
Saludos! :wave
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hey green diver,
I am from Egypt, Hurghada is one of the cool places, I have a pic of a monster fish i took a little north of Hurghada (45 KG), Really liked what you had to say about the country except the part that it scares The hell out of you??
Marwan said:
hey green diver,
I am from Egypt, Hurghada is one of the cool places, I have a pic of a monster fish i took a little north of Hurghada (45 KG), Really liked what you had to say about the country except the part that it scares The hell out of you??

Het dude...no offense...Your country is very beautiful!!!, you can feel the history, the red sea is more then amazing, I have been in the carribean, chinese sea, med, atlantic, golf of mexico..but this is the best!!!
The thing that scares me, I do not understand a word, I do not know the culture and customes...And driving a cab at night at 2am......I do not need to explain you this...
Regards, ..
Ps...do you live far away?...what a bout fishing one day?
Memo said:
When did u go there dude?

Memoooo!!! what is up....left a week ago..Poker, casinos etc.. were killing me... rofl rofl
See you in February!!
Un saludo y un abrazo.. :wave
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hey green diver,
no offense taken, if it is your first time in Egypt, let me tell you some tips. First Egypt is a very safe country, despite the few mishaps we've had the pople are not violent, you could walk around the street at 2 am or 3 am and feel complteley safe. Especially in areas like Hurghada where security is very tight. Always bargain with the taxi cab, they tend to overcharge. I f you have a speargun do not display it, most people will perceive you as the tourist who is out to kill the reef and if you are seen spearfishing in Hurghada by other boats/divers, your boat could get reported, their license withdrawn and you might get fined, so BE VERY CAREFUL WITH A SPEARGUN, keep it concealed, alays ask prmission before you take it out. Please try not to shoot fish near soft coral and aim only for the bigger fish. I live in Cairo which is about 4 hours away. Unfortunaltely I have to work this weekend, so I wont be able to make it, maybe next weekend if you are still there. HAve fun and be safe. If you do get a boat out with a friend (a private boat), I recommend a site to the north of Hurghada called " ABO SADAF" its a desreted reef that noone takes notice of, but has big groupers, we've also taken some yellow tail there its a good spot, not too deep up to 20M, but its poor for scuba diving. A better spot for both (but full of boats) is SOYOUL islands (which is probably where you saw the dolphins) and Gubal Island (little Gobal).
Thanks for your reply!...and thanks for the tips..I am going to be here until february! I really would like to go spearfishing with you, but if you do not have time to bad :waterwork
Today I had another very nice experience, I did not have a gun with me, but anyways...went down to 18 m, did an espetto,..then just when I wanted to go up, 2 huge barracudas showed up, I did not know they could get this big!!
to be honest with you, they scared me a bit ,was an amazing view!!
I stayed down a bit more, and did my best apnea ever at that depth.
Anyways, hope to see you around here,
regards, Mike

Ps. It is my first time here, and the cab drivers are not fooling me anymore
if you are stayin till february im sure we could get together one day. out of curiosity, are you working in hurghada til feb? or is this a long vacation?
Marwan said:
if you are stayin till february im sure we could get together one day. out of curiosity, are you working in hurghada til feb? or is this a long vacation?

Cool!! Well I am doing a scuba course....taking it easy
are you doing a dive master course or instructor or TDI?
Marwan said:
are you doing a dive master course or instructor or TDI?

I am doing my divemaster, maybe if I have some more time overhere, I'd like to do the instructor course...
Still got about 8 weeks...
P.s I have to tell someone.....today I saw tuna..looked it up and it looked like dogtooth, although I am not sure.
(Egypt brings a surprise for me eveyday)
اراك قريبا
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