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Gun Mech.

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Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2005
Gun mechs? What 2nd hand guns would make a good donar for a trigger mech? Have a selection of hard wood at work so fancy carving out a weapon this autumn. Its for the fun of "building" rather than anything else. Everything seems straight forward and materials available, but the mech is the puzzler!

Sure its been discussed before so sorry if repeating a post and feel free to reference previous thread!

Thanks. ;>)
Wong makes trigger mechanism that he sells for regular handles or mid handle guns.
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Riffe also sell kits and are a proven mechanism.

Noticed that so far five posts from five places all over!
I bought some Abellan triggers earlier this year from subprof they worked out about £40 including the delivery. Dont know if thats what your after but they are really easy to fit and they do fit the standard speard we have here. Failing that Apnea sell an imersion handle and trigger for £24.5 + p & p which again will fit our spears
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Dobs said:
I have never tried them, but they look good.
Very good price too! The abellan one looks easier to fit but these are half the price and tested to the 270 kilo's I will give them a go for next summers project
Thanks for the geat links everyone.
If the winter project is succesful I'll post a photo of the gun... March 2007?
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i have bought a picasso mech at the moment, very cheap I must say, and I will only load it with one rubber anyway. I have had a look as well at the Abellan and do like the look of the stainless steel. I like the abellan as they have a trigger guard with their mechanism and are the only one to do so if I am correct. The one from the bluworld / ermes website looks good as well. I thought that price wise they both are about the same ? Abellan is 50 euros + delivery and the ermes is 45 euros + delivery? Do let me know if you can get them cheaper ! For the price of these mechs I can get 3 picasso's. I really like the ermes one as they have a wicked looking line release build into them. I am not sure however what spear or more important, what spear notch they take? Has anyone used the ermes trigger before ? Maybe persiko from arbalegno can explain as he has used them in his guns. Another very fine looking mech is from spearotiki .
I think that if you go to make your own gun it should look good as well, and a gun just looks so much better with a stainless trigger mech. On one of the australian forums a guy made his gun with a mechanism out of titanium. I do wonder if it cost alot to have mechanisms made by a metal worker?
Orangekiwi, he did not make that mech from titanium...its just a riffe mech. He was pulling your leg. He also claimed to have the handle made from the same mahogany used on the Endevor.

Don't take him too seriously