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Gun Questions

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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New Member
Apr 14, 2006
Has anybody ever tried an Omer T20 Carbon Ocean Mimetic 100cm? I am really thinking about buying one. Does the camo really work? And what is the difference between carbon and alluminum guns? thanks!:)
Unless you have the rest of the camo gear to go with it eg, wetsuit, mask, gloves, fins, booties, weight belt, ect it won't do that much.

Carbon is lighter and somewhat stronger but it recoils bad I find, I won't use carbon guns. Alloy are cheaper and pretty strong and they handle recoil better.
I agree with Dan Man. If you can hide well in the weed or behind rocks etc, fish will come very close to investigate. In this instance camo won't be of any advantage. As with all things it's a matter of what give you the most confidence...Many people just love the camo!
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So, since we're kinda talking about recoil, does anyone know how much recoil the Omer T20 Carbon spearguns have? I found a formula for recoil(Mass of spear x Velocity of Spear = Mass of Gun x Recoil, which means, Mass of Spear x Velocity of Spear/Mass of Gun = Recoil) but I don't have the information to plug into it.(Mass of Spear, etc.) So if anybody has ever tried one of these guns then your hekp would be greatly appreciated!! Thank You!
Even if you worked it out what would it give you. Say if I told you a figure say "8" how would that help you :p

Its not much to worry about in such a small gun with sucj a light spear.
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