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guys, i got a nose bleed

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New Member
Mar 19, 2010
hi guys... I'm a beginner in this sports and i enjoyed free-diving & spearfishing, this morning i try to hunt. For a while.. i don't see any problem after half an hour i got this terrible headache(head-squeeze) while i try to dive, i cant even reach 7ft deep lol...after a few seconds i notice that my nose bleed... is that normal...? Pls. advice...

I get bad nosebleeds- just broken blood vessels -not a bad thing but if your head hurts it's probably a sinus squeeze. You might want to try sinus rinsing( netti pot or syringe with salt water) and some non-ephedrine decongestants. You don't want ephedrine because it will elevate your heart rate. I have a deviated septum and allergies and have all sorts of repercussions. I keep experimenting to see if I can get relief- some days are better than others.
Good luck.
Go and see a doctor, you have no idea what's wrong and nor does anyone else.
It could be a whole range of things, some minor, some not so minor.
Be safe, not sorry, go see a doc'.

Go and see a doctor, you have no idea what's wrong and nor does anyone else.
It could be a whole range of things, some minor, some not so minor.
Be safe, not sorry, go see a doc'.


of course, if you think it is serious you should see an ent. but believe me, they just think we are crazy for freediving in the first place and will tell you not to dive. I have seen 3 in the last year for ear and sinus issues. I came home from the last comp. with both ears blown and nose bleeding.--it happens! The dr. just shook his head.:naughty He knows I am going to do what I want to do! And now I am just fine -until I do it again:blackeye
you can research some info here;
Dr. Grossan, the ENT On-Line Consultant - Sinusitis, Allergies, Colds & Prevention, Sore Throats, Natural Home Cures & Advice for All Ear, Nose, and Throat Problems
and also check the DAN website.
The point is, with the symptoms described how can you tell if it serious or not?
Most likely mermaidgirl is correct, a simple sinus squeeze, it could also be a symptom of sinusitis, most unlikely it could be a tumour of the sinus.
The trouble with posting something wrong with you and asking for advise is most people tell you what they had wrong with them, which is fine if you have the same thing but next to useless or even dangerous if you have something else.

At this moment I'm sat next to consultant surgeon, she says there are at least ten problems that headache and nosebleed could signify, if she can't give a diagnoses from the symptoms, I'm willing to bet no one else can either.
Why take the risk?
Go and see your GP, if it's a simple squeeze, great no problem, if something else,then the earlier the diagnoses the better.


PS. Beware of sites where the person concerned is promoting their own products, Dr. or not.
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I am not suggesting anyone should avoid the dr. if they feel they need one but I am not an alarmist! I also know that freedivers get nosebleeds, especially if you try too hard to equalize at depth. It's like when you blow your nose too hard and break little blood vessels . At the depth WC's in Bahamas several of us that them . I begged the photographer not to post a photo of me with a snotty, bloody face-- lol I look bad enough as it is!
Most likely it's just burst capillaries... I had those when I tried to equalize with a little plugged up sinus (bad decision to begin with). Again, just ask your doc. If you have hypertension or pre-hypertension that could affect how easy your nose bleeds too. Honestly, I'm more concerned about your headache...

BTW, not all docs are on the extreme side of safety. My doc told me to just simply dive shallower for couple weeks after the nose bleed. But of course I didn't exactly tell the other doc about my freediving when I had reverse block!
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Like everyone has said, it could be your just having trouble equalizing, or you may have a problem you need checked out. what worries me with ANYONE having headache is there may be a chance of you blacking out. are you diving alone or is someone spotting you? and how are you equalizing? always be safe and dont gamble, we dont need to loose anymore divers. sorry i couldnt help more.
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