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Haiti - Spearfishing?

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Working Class Spearo
Mar 17, 2002
rumors at the moment that I'll be working in Haiti soon... anyone know what the spearfishing is like?
Hi Amphib, you do get around.

Never been there, but I've heard that inshore is supposed to be pretty grim, extreme overfishing. Pelagics might be real good if you know where to go.

If you get there, let us know how it went.

will do. it's about 90% right now I'll be moving there end of the month...
I am a commercial diver and i can tell you that if we were diving in that water it would be a HAZMAT (hazardous materials) meaning we would be wearing suits that dont let us get wet and have locking gloves and neck dams...It would also take about 15mins to clean us and decontaminate when we get out.

This is because the suers and water systems would be messed up.
So that shitys vis is quite literal!!!!
You may want to stick to commercial diving as you are showing your ignorance and limited knowledge about the waters of Haiti. Haiti has some of the most pristine beaches in the world and your uncalled for attack on the island reveals your warped mind. You should get out more. Millions of people (tourists and natives) swim in Haitian waters and beaches every year and the waters are as safe as anywhere else. Fed up with losers like you you would like to attribute everything bad to those who are perceived as poor or in need. Go away!
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