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Hampshire 2006

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Mr. X

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Jul 14, 2005
Anybody active spearing along the Hampshire Coast?
I'm also looking for dive buddies in Hampshire, and info on anywhere to dive.
Two lost souls crying in the wilderness! Sounds like a match made in heaven :inlove
Pastor said:
Two lost souls crying in the wilderness! Sounds like a match made in heaven :inlove
:DVery eloquent! You'd know all about that heaven stuff Pastor! (All those bass souls you delivered to their maker).

I was looking for locations not people, but hey whatever. I know Naiad is a fine person:wave.

I think Grouper Madness mentioned diving near the submarine museum as a youngster but it wasn't open to the public. I was wondering if their was anywhere a little quieter - seems very boaty round much of that coast. An old friend told me a couple of his favourite angling spots down that way - no idea if they are any good for diving though.

Last year I seem recall folk talking about using shorter guns for Sussex & pos. Hampshire -- presumably viz is generally worse(?).
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Hi Mr X, Yes i did spearfish in Pompey Harbour as a kid, mainly around the piers, i hav'nt been back in a long while now but Dolphin pier and around the subs then was great for Conger eels the Haslar sea wall was good for bass, you cant go too far into the harbour because of mud and silt, but be aware vis is usualy very bad. also there were places near Lymington and also Bucklers hard on the southampton side . just googlearth'd pompey harbour around Dolphin wow its changed a lot, the old place is now a marina. sad.
It is also where the SETT tank is and I believe some of the harbour is off-limits as the S.B.S. train there. When I was down there last year for a course at the SETT, we saw the S.B.S. training in their black Ribs and Milk Tray guy outfits. There did look to be some promising ground for spearing anyway.
Groupermadness said:
... Bucklers hard on the southampton side . just googlearth'd pompey harbour around Dolphin wow its changed a lot, the old place is now a marina. sad.
I dropped by Bucklers Hard recently but didn't stop...it has also changed a lot: glossy new car park & visitor centre & entrance fee :(. Used to know somebody who kept a yacht down there - v. cool.

Spaniard said:
... we saw the S.B.S. training in their black Ribs and Milk Tray guy outfits. There did look to be some promising ground for spearing anyway.
Bet they get nice RIBs, wonder if they ever come up as army surplus? (Guaranteed thrashed & holed!).
Mr. X said:
Anybody active spearing along the Hampshire Coast?

Very good bass, but usally sh*te vis. Better to go along to Dorset. I do however recommend the Isle of Wight. Especially running along the south side (out of the Solent). Only disadvantage is you need to know someone with a boat... *whistle*... *whistle* :wave


Soul Deep said:
Only disadvantage is you need to know someone with a boat... *whistle*... *whistle* :wave
If you ever need some company(/ballast) to share fuel costs, let me know. ;)

First bass I ever saw, as a boy, was caught by a friend from shore on the Isle of Wight (we had to rescue him from a sandbank with a rowing boat). I found out recently he has been sea fishing ever since. An angler at Chesil a couple of weeks ago pointed out that a lot of folk get hooked on fishing from a beginner's luck type experience - I know 3 such people, myself included.
Hi all

I live in Hampshire (Southampton).

Not much to rave about in the freediving/spearo dept. between Southampton & Portsmouth am afraid. If you guys are into diving? There are some great wrecks around the solent.

Dorset a very good bet. Usually go to Ringstead Bay to go diving/snorkelling. Good for lobsters & crab but so far have not seen many large fish worth spearing.

There are a few spots between Lulworth & Portland i've yet to try for freediving/spearing. I would think this your best bet!

The south of the Isle of Wight there are some good wrecks where you might get the opportunity for spearo stuff. But would need a RIB for that. Though I think your best bet for freediving/spearo would be Dorset.

Do not know of any freediving clubs in southampton or environs. If you find any Naiad let me know. Though there is a swimming pool in Winchester & the Quays swimming & diving complex in southampton.

Hope that helps
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Thanks, good to get some local input. Anything worth looking at around Selsey Bill, Hurst Castle or Hengistbury Head? (Heard that, further east, Bognor can be ok -- might need a boat though).

I don't do scuba -- tried once in the pool as a teenager & always planned to do it more but never got round to it. I have a friend now that teaches scuba, I think he expects me to crack & give it a shot (with the spearing & all) but I don't think so.

BTW I think I recognise the Dorset bay in your photo.
I too would be interested in any local knowledge around Christchurch or Selsey Bill. I have swum off Highcliffe a few metres down which was pleasant, nice green water and a rippled bottom. I hope for a play in the sea next weekend.
Mr. X said:
Thanks, good to get some local input. Anything worth looking at around Selsey Bill, Hurst Castle or Hengistbury Head? (Heard that, further east, Bognor can be ok -- might need a boat though).

Hurst castle back towards Keyhaven produces some good flatties on the East side. Do be carful as f*ck round there as you can get caught up in a 9 knot current around the castle itself, next stop the shingles or needles if a whirlpool or overfall don't suck you under first! Oh and it's about 60/70 Metres deep south east just off the castle.

The problem I find with going east is the water loses it's vis, and that makes spearing hard work. I have dropped off places like the witterings (nr Bognor) but the main problem is Jet Ski's and strong rip type currents all along that stretch. Mr X, you don't need a boat as it drops off quick and has easy access points from the beaches that stretch all along the length of that area.

I do recommend the east/south side of the Isle of Wight if you have a way of getting there (Vis always seems MUCH better round there). Some very serious bass spots that, dare I say it, even outshine Portland! However, as tempting as it may be, I don't suggest a swim across as the Solent is the busiest strech of water In the world and you try out swimming a two mile tanker turning for Southhampton... Phew!

Christchurch harbour is good for flatties and Mullet. I am sure bass reside in there but I have never seen them. The actual harbour entrance holds some good size Pollack and Mackerel but is a bit hectic to share with the boats.

Waterysmile - Whenever I've tried highcliffe I seem to be in the middle of a seaweed invasion, so I swim and sunbathe (If I can find some sand among the seaweed on the beach, ussally after the diggers have collected it all up) rather than Spear round there.

Groupermadness, yeah, some good bass in pompey harbour. A very good spot is by the sunken submarine charge cables (a little island) opposite the HMS warships. Once again the vis is ussaly only a few metres so I tend to take my tender with an outboard and chuck a plug over the side. Get some very lively sport that way :)

Off Hengistbury head you again get some quite mad currents. There is a ledge that goes about half a mile out pointing South East from Hengistbury head. It is very shallow for a long way out and the top of the ledge is only 3 - 4m. The West side of the ledge drops to about 13 - 20 metres while the east side is less pronouced and drops to about 6/8 metres. This is a great spot to drop down and find all sorts from Lobsters to Bass. But once again problems tend to be Current and Vis (jet ski's as well). Most boats give the ledge a miss as it can produce some strong East side overfalls in spring lows.

Hope that helps give a bit of info to the Hampshire area...


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Lots of info to think over. Thanks Soul Deep.
Coincidently, the Isle of Wight was suggested as a holiday destination this year but I wasn't keen (not realising it was good for spearing):duh, opting for Guernsey/Cornwall/Devon instead. Guernsey will have to wait till next year now, pos. longer - just got a couple of surprise tax bills :(:ko .
Hi all

Can recommend Christchurch Ledges Naiad very good place to get a spot of lunch from! Wight Spirit is a good boat to dive from.

Anything along the Keyhaven area Hurst Castle bit, invest in a good set of tide tables. Although never snorkelled/freedived inside the spit where the boats moor for lunch/evening could be good there?

Hope as time allows in the summer evenings to get along to kimmeridge/Warbarrow Bay which is supposed to be very nice. Am off to Ringstead Bay over the weekend sometime I'll let you no if we get anything for tea.
I am in Hampshire a lot of the time now. Maybe when I have a few days off college I'll check out the coast. If there are enough freedivers and spearos here maybe we can start a club?
Sounds like fun. May be I could learn to equalise and dive deeper than 23 feet (my new best, woohoo!). I wonder how warm the sea is? (Don't have a suit!).
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