For several years I have been using ,what I found out reading posts here, is frenzel method for eq pressure. It worked so,so, since eq my left ear requires way more force and still I do not succed every time. I tried some swallow like movements with my tongue, same thing. And finally I experienced severe inflamation of ear (dg. otitis externa),stereo, a month ago, probbably combination of polluted sea and inabillity to equlise pressure properly.
Question is, where did you learn to implement all these different methods, could some scuba course help, since I only do spearfishing in apnea.
Would it be possible to do eq with some ear plugs?
Thanks in advance.
For several years I have been using ,what I found out reading posts here, is frenzel method for eq pressure. It worked so,so, since eq my left ear requires way more force and still I do not succed every time. I tried some swallow like movements with my tongue, same thing. And finally I experienced severe inflamation of ear (dg. otitis externa),stereo, a month ago, probbably combination of polluted sea and inabillity to equlise pressure properly.
Question is, where did you learn to implement all these different methods, could some scuba course help, since I only do spearfishing in apnea.
Would it be possible to do eq with some ear plugs?
Thanks in advance.