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Happy Birthday fcallagy

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Stephan Whelan

Papa Smurf
Staff member
Jan 7, 1999
1 member is celebrating their birthday on December 11th, 2011:

-fcallagy (born in 1974, Age: 37)

Happy Birthday from the whole DeeperBlue.com team!
Cheers lads was out on the tear last night with more than one or two whiskeys being consumed. Late night but at least we didnt end up wetting ourselves laughing at benton youtube video and not know why. Thanks for all the good wishes peeps.
Reactions: apneaboy
all the best Feargus mate! Sorry I was late, I'll have a beer tonight as punishment.
Reactions: fcallagy
Belated but still heartfelt - Happy Birthday Feargus! I hope everythng is good for you and your wife.

All the best!
Reactions: fcallagy