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Happy Birthday Pucko, ReefTroll

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Stephan Whelan

Papa Smurf
Staff member
Jan 7, 1999
2 members are celebrating their birthday on November 9th, 2011:

-Pucko (born in 1964, Age: 47)
-ReefTroll (born in 1979, Age: 32)

Happy Birthday from the DeeperBlue.com team!
Happy birthday Reefy, so young, voice should be breaking soon.

Happy Birthday Reefy, hope you have a good-un with more than a little of this involved.:friday:friday:friday:friday
Well, I got through a tray full of "chambord, bvacardi and gin jelly" and a massive mud-cake, some thai takeaway, some sav blanc, and some bubbles!! Thanks everybody.
Oh, and the important bit? My girls bought me Lego cufflinks!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reactions: podge and foxfish
Happy birthday mate (a bit late) sounds like your day was just about perfect.