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Having trouble with my ankles

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New Member
Jun 9, 2007
after about 2 hours of diving .my ancles start to get sore.i use the omer ice fins which are not stiff.Anyone have suggestions on how to fix this??
Re: Having trouble with my ancles

If you are wearing hard soled booties then thats the culprit.
If not, maybe need to adjust Your kick I think... try lower amplitude, higher frequency kick.
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Re: Having trouble with my ancles

Wear your fins to work and at home that way you will develop the necessary resistance!
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Re: Having trouble with my ancles

I use 1.5 mm mimetic booties.

Booties can cause pain due to a lack of flex in the ankle area... feels a bit like a blade with no angle after swimming some time.
solution is to use a neoprene sock instead of soled boots.
Re: Having trouble with my ancles

Atomichaggis...I needed a laugh!!!!!roflroflSorry about the ankles though mate!

On a more serious note: You may possibly have weak ankles or tendons...If you are having tendon problems you should see a doc...too much stress on the achille's or other tendons can cause some pain and or major problems. Bust one or severely weaken one and a very long recouperation time and or surgery may be needed. Play it safe and see a doc...Or just take it easy for awhile and see if that helps.

Mine ankles USED to get pretty sore too...But seldom do now. I am basically a newbie with freediving fins. My snorkeling fins never gave me sore ankles.
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Re: Having trouble with my ancles

Takin it easy might be the answer if its just a case of adjusting to new fins. The rest is as important as the exercise when strengthening the ankles up. You don't want to develop any niggling injuries that linger for months and years.
Re: Having trouble with my ancles

Wear your fins to work and at home that way you will develop the necessary resistance!
Yup agreed, you need to toughen up, unless you has ankle problems anyway in which case see a doc
Re: Having trouble with my ancles

Agree entirely with Spaniard and others on the same line. It takes a lot of muscle work to get long fins going, and even when you're not moving you're still using your ankles to stay still. Takes a lot out of them.

That said, it's the BEST exercise for strengthening ankles and I guarantee you'll have stronger ankles than your non-diving mates.

I've just started using my monofin after a couple of months off and my ankles have been sore for days after use. They'll harden up soon enough.

Something I was just thinking about whilst training: Give your ankles a good stretch a few minutes into a dive by grabbing your fins and pulling, 10 seconds each front and backwards and do the same at the end of the dive for about 30 seconds. It may help if the muscles are more relaxed to start with.
For me,most of the time,sorenes results from unnecessary tension. However it is a two edged thing - there is the need for conditioning - and the need to relax into the most efficient movement. I suggest slowing down and really studying your kick - relax and see how you can minimize the effort in your movements.

When I switched to my monofin I had tremendous pain in my feet - mainly during motionless surface intervals. This was caused entirely by extra tension.
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