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hawaiian style gear?

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New Member
Feb 20, 2003
what type of guns are used in hawaii and for what fish? i would love to land a tuna or two but just enough to share and eat!:p what sort of depths and conditions are we talking about? what tastes the best and what is not worth spearing? and is there anyone looking for a spear fisher that needs to be shown the ropes of hawaiian spearfishing. i've been spearfishing in most of the western hemispere and some of the east. i have a few euro guns lots of homemade stuff and a homemade pole spear with a slip tip and quick release body attached reel(i know it sounds wierd but it works perfectly on big slow NW fish). thanks to anybody who gives feedback!!

A lot of your questions depend on where you live...

I read Big Island in your other thread, but even then it would help to know what side of the island you're on.

Don't look to be shooting Tuna off the bat. I've been blue-water diving a bunch of times there & never even saw one! :( Lots of Ono (wahoo) and Mahimahi(dorado or dolphin fish), but no Tunas. Great ambition to look forward too, but just don't want your expectations to be too unreasonable.

Euro guns work fine inshore. I've taken many good fish with them. As far as the pole spear - it's very commonly used in Hawaii, but get a 3-prong (or paralyzer tip) instead.

As far as fish edibility... that'll take a while. I'll get back to you on that one. Most of the fish are good eating. :D

Give us a little more info on where you are & we should be able to help you out a little bit more. :)

Oh yeah, check out Hawaii Skin Diver for more info and pictures on spearfishing in Hawaii! :hmm
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where i will be

the big island, west, north and east,(i have friends with houses in all the above local. i have a work contract for 8 weeks 5 days a week full time. the offer was so good and it's hawaii how long would it take a 24yr old to make the decision to go. i have looked into shipping and i think i will send my camper van ahead of me and sell it when i leave. there is a prime beach camp spot near where i will work(or so the story goes). my beautiful italian wife will be with me and her english is rough at best(my fault i translate too much). she is concerned about her safety in yet another new place(such is life with el gitano=the gypsy) but still very excited to see hawaii for the first time, is it safe to camp and leave her while i work long days, one last catch she doesn't drive (not my fault public transit is too good in italy). lots of non spearfishing related stuff but still very important to me!

to answer your question what side, any side i guess. i'll be free and mobile on the weekends, kind of a "have (spear)gun will travel" thing ;)
Sounds like a dream :)

Don't know how safe it'd be. Most places are pretty safe, others....

You'd have to ask someone like Bill or W3ac since they live on that island & have better perspectives than someone like me who just visits.

Enjoy :D
thanks for the help!

thanks for the help. you really pay that much in rent! i'm sorry it just came out, i mean it had to my god 2000 a month, sorry again.

what do you thik of your ra or rabitec i cant remember which you had. and what is the deal with the anodized spring steel shaft, the cable wishbone, etc... and what about this conversion that i have seen from a normal wishbone to a cord for non grooved spears? i dont get it does the spear have a fin?
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