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Head-down Equalization

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Jan 27, 2013
I can equalize using what I think is the frenzel method but as soon as I am vertical head down, this seems to have no effect and I can't equalise? Is this something to do with method or is it down to the person?
See if you can equalise head down on dry land. If you can't, the reason is probably anatomical. With regular practise the equalisation should get easier.
The reason for problems can be overproduction of mucus as well, due to allergy or congestion. A lot of people have allergies they don't know about.
I have always had a sort of permanent cold, so unfortunately mucus levels are crazy high, guess it will always take more effort for me
My son has problems due to a deviated septum. He does nose drops before diving which help immensely. Also decongestants. Some days though. he just can't dive.
That was a really good video, might try and get an allergy test before I start again in the summer. It would explain my sort of permanent blocked nose.
I've only seen the first ten minutes. He seems to know a lot about equalising. However, just on a sidenote: The thing said about why vasalva doesn't work, does not make sense. You do not fight "higher and higher pressure" (unless you cannot equalize anymore of course) with increasing depth using vasalva. It's the pressure difference between lung and head, and that relative difference actually decreases with increased depth to a point when it's practically the same, it is biggest at the first few meters. The reasons semems more likely to be, that it's hard to apply enough pressure when lungs are getting smaller (one possibility at least, might be others). Anyway, just saying...
I've started using a fast acting nasal decongestant 30 mins before diving and that helps a lot. Also finding that keeping my chin tucked in (rather than lifting head "up", looking where I'm going) when descending helps a lot too. If I look "up" equalisation is harder.

I suffer from allergies, blocked nose - never thought them a big issue until I started diving so I know where you are coming from LPS. It's very frustrating! Interestingly enough, I have one nostril that blocks more than the other and this corresponds to the ear I find harder to equalise.

Am also learning to be more relaxed when equalising and not go too hard on it - gentle does it I am learning. Gradually I am able to go deeper as I get better at doing it, and my body gets used to it too I believe.
Update - Head down equalization now perfect down to an amazing 3m (only tested in pool) without any nasal spray, thanks for your tips.
Not sure why but its definetly impossible after about 20m

wrong! [or to absolute]
indeed valsalva is not a deep-dive equalization technique, BUT...
I do the most of EQ in the first 10-15m, after that, not so offten
it is true that i never dived bellow 28m, but is also true that i did those dives [20-28m] only with valsalva...so i say between 20 and 30m valsalva work and the affirmation in the quote is to absolute!!!
iti is also true that if the diver want to go deeper than 30m, valsalva is not good...
i must learn in practice the frenzel if i want to go deeper than my 28...this is my goal this year!!! and is a MUST!!!
sorry for intreruption
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^Thanks, wasn't sure of the correct depth and that does also vary if you are head down or not. Learning frenzel was ten times easier than I thought with the right instructions, it was my goal before summer but it only took 2 days of research and practice without an instructor or anything
i allways do my CWT dives with the head DOWN...
congratulation to you for learning frenzel so quickly!!!