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Hello everyone!! This site is unbeleivable

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New Member
Apr 17, 2005
Somethings about this site:
I surfed the net for sites related to spearfishing, but none beats deeperblue. The articles and tips found here have helped me alot. Thus I decided to join.
Somethings about this site:
Somethings about me:
As a kid I always spent my time admiring the sea bed, got into maintaining a saltwater aqurium. Started studying to take on Marine Biology, but unluckily stopped. I always thought that people who practiced underwater fishing were stupid freaks (Also mocked them). Until a few years ago, I went with a friend of mine and showed me another perspective of spearfishing. (One finds the hunter in oneself). Two weeks later he died in trajic accident while fishing. I did not touch a spear gun until a year ago. Thus I am quite green to all this but am catching up for the lost time.
I live in Malta (small Island in the middle of the med)
Keep up all of this good work
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Hiya GG
Malta, lucky you, what a nice island :) Sorry to hear about your freind :( but welcome to DeeperBlue, yes its definately the best site around (for many reasons) there is so much help to be found here as well as a lot of fun too
Lucky and not!

When I go spearfishing, I always have to gather the scraps left from the pros amd amatuer spearos. Malta is some 21 by 14 km. Population is around 400,000 and most of them are bird hunters, spearos or both. Can you imagine sharing a remote hunting ground with 7 others at one go? Competition is very tough here, for the beginner.

To drive salt into the wound, government is planning to reserve some of my best hunting grounds as protected sites. As if the imbalance of marine niches is mainly attributed to irresponsible spearos and not due to fishing by net close to shores and fishfarming.

My luck, is that I live on an Island surrounded by the sea!!
Luvky and not!!!
When I go spearfishing, I always have to gather the scraps left from the pros amd amatuer spearos. Malta is some 21 by 14 km. Population is around 400,000 and most of them are bird hunters, spearos or both. Can you imagine sharing a remote hunting ground with 7 others at one go? Competition is very tough here, for the beginner.

To drive salt into the wound, government is planning to reserve some of my best hunting grounds as protected sites. As if the imbalance of marine niches is mainly attributed to irresponsible spearos and not due to fishing by net close to shores and fishfarming.

My luck, is that I live on an Island surrounded by the sea!!
Hi GG...I spent some time in your area in the 1980's...an island called Lampedusa which I believe is closer to Sicily than Malta is, but also not that far from Africa. It was a fascinating part of the world and completely off the beaten path as far as the rest of Europe is concerned. It seemed to be a melting pot of southern Italian and North African influence that you could see in the architecture and the customs of the folk that lived there.
I have some great memories of freediving - the Island was surrounded by limestone/sandstone cliffs and, with only 2 or 3 beaches and no boat I was forced to be innovative in my underwater explorations. I would hike across island to a low point (ie a 60ft lowpoint) and jump from the cliffs for a sometimes 4-5 mile swim back to one of the beaches. Perhaps I was a little crazy but it was one of those things that I will never forget. There were "rest-stops" along the way in the form of boulders and slabs and even caves that I would penetrate for a safe distance. I never felt any feeling of danger and it was always a laugh when I arrived at the beach to be questioned about where I came from! ( Perhaps being a clothing-optional beach had something to do with it). Ah yes I really enjoyed myself and if there was anything that bothered me there , it was the hot, sandy winds that blew up from the deserts of North Africa at certain times of the year. Freediving was my escape from those winds.
So welcome to the show (DB) that never seems to end!
The description of Lempedusa is quite close to Malta. Yes lots of limestone, hot weather in summer; a big chunk of the islands are cliffs, but they are so high that you wouldn't even dare to look down. Luckily depths of the sea near those regions are too deep for me to even bother. Thus I try to hike to the remotest parts of the Island, or reach them swimming from common beaches. When I say remotest, you always find a number of competitors in your ares. How do I handle this situation since I am a newbie? Well I seek in the unthinkable, least obvious. Sometimes I am lucky.
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