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Hello from Bristol

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.


Aug 4, 2015

I joined this forum about a year ago! But have only just got around to saying hello (how tardy of me)... I have been practicing freediving tho and head out spearing whenever I can drag someone along! Heading to France, Spain and Portugal for August...(campervaning so mobile)...hoping there are some people on here who might like to show me thier local haunts?...always up for being in the water (I prefer it to land)...and have a spare gun!

Glad you stopped in to say hello! I suggest posting in the regional subforums for the areas you plan to visit. You can also have a look in the other Intro and Greets posts and reply to folks from those areas.
Reactions: Rachael
Hiya Rachael,

how's was your holiday? Sounds great touring France, Spain and Portugal!

I'm in London, but would love to hop on the Eurostar to do a backpacking holiday, probably next springtime?

Be really nice to hear your experiences,


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