Spearing can be okay depending on nearshore viz...usually dismal. If caught at high tide areas around jetties okay. Offshore at oilrigs/wrecks (wrecks for buubleblowers only) the viz is usually good. Nearshore we shoot sheepheads, flounder, mullet, sandtrout, whiting, blackdrum, large croaker, grunts, mutton, grey, lane, vermilion snapper...ah & others. There's a bunch on the list of "game fish" not allowed w/i 9 miles like cobia (ling) & any mackeral. Offshore it's sheepshead & some grouper around rigs, cuda, wahoo, Dorado (Mahi Mahi), amberjacks and others. No bugs here though.
Yesterday was exercise in frustration--drove 3 hours one way only to have late people, a charity case fellow boater who put us 2 hour back thereby missing high tide, calm wind and good viz. Oh well...flush the punchbowl & start the party over. I'll never invite non-spearos on another trip. Their understanding & sense of urgancy is not focused on our requirements.