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Hello, from San Diego!

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.

Anne Joy

New Member
Oct 9, 2015
Hi! I'm new to the Forum. So glad I found this and am excited to connect with other freedivers from around the world. I also have some questions regarding issues I've had with freediving that I hope to overcome.


Hi Joy, welcome to Deeperblue! It's great to see another member from California. We certainly have a worldwide membership here. I'm moving to San Diego before long. There are so many more dive sites there than in dry, dusty Fresno.

Regarding your freediving questions, we have a handy search function located on the upper right of the forum pages. You can type in some keywords and see if that gives yields the right results. Otherwise, you can head over to the Freediving subforum and post your questions. There are subsections there for general freediving, beginners, and training/techniques, so one of those should be the place for answers.
Thanks for the response BatRay! I actually lived in Fresno for two years, haha! But I'm from San Diego originally and am back now. Thank you for the tips. I have been searching around the Forum and love it so far! It beats bugging my instructors all the time. LOL.
That's the spirit! There are many experienced freedivers here, including some of the top competitors. I'm sure someone will have the answer to your questions if the search function doesn't yield what you want.

You lived in Fresno too, huh? Condolences, lol. I don't blame you for moving back to SD in the least. I fell in love with San Diego a few years back when my husband went there for a conference. We stayed at the Hyatt in Mission Bay.

I am very much looking forward to moving. It'll be much closer to some good dive sites, for one thing.
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