neerg, I don't know anything about Sub Gear but I do use and like Beuchat fins, more on that later but first...
Why do you want cheap rubber fins (they can last years, decades even)? Do the 2 models you mention have removable/replaceable blades?
Here are some things for you to consider:
1. On,
Beuchat footpockets came out tops for fitting long, slim feet in a long discussion thread we had several years ago, yet I have wide stocky feet and find them supremely comfortable. So my conclusion is, provided that you get the right size,
Beuchat footpockets fit most foot shapes comfortably.
2. I think removable/replaceable blades are a useful but probably not essential feature. My original
Beuchat Competition fins have lasted 9 years of use, abuse and painting with every type of paint I could lay my hands on (including household oil, artists oils, enamel spray, etc.). One of the blades finally snapped off this month, albeit in extremis. However, I was still
able to order a replacement blade (I actually ordered 2) and a fitting kit (new clips, screws, etc. - as I'd lost a clip a year or two ago, on the fin that broke...). A smaller/lighter diver might be less likely to break a fin though.
3. Length. Depending on your physical stature (size/strength) and experience, you might benefit from the larger (& perhaps wider?) length of the slightly more expensive Beuchat Competition model - but if you are a smaller beginner perhaps better off with the slightly smaller, cheaper model mentioned in your post.
I was going to upgrade my fins when my current ones finally packed in - but they lasted much longer than I expected though
. Originally I thought I might change to Omer, perhaps the Omer Ice (unfortunately the clear blades break rather too easily
). Over time, I began to realize that I could not fault the fit on my Beuchat fins and so there was no reason to change footpocket brand/design - indeed that was a very good reason to stick with Beuchat footpoackets. So then I began to think I might just upgrade to camouflage blades, made of fibre glass and/or carbon fibre - however those remain overly expensive options for my tastes and I could not really fault the plastic blades which last 9 years of use, abuse & painting - better than I expected. So, this week I ordered and received a new set of
Beuchat Competition fins - although this time all in black
so I don't feel compelled to paint them.
Yes, that means I will shortly have
2 sets of Beuchat Competition fins! Fins & wetsuit are the only pieces of gear I didn't carry spares for - and, this month, that prevented 2 days of spearing in ideal conditions on holiday (wsuch days were few & far between). So in future I will carry a set of spare fins and/or a spare blade & fixing kit with me on holiday
In conclusion: Beuchat footpockets have become something of an industry standard now (as have
Omersub, etc.), they fit many foot shapes well (both with and without socks), you can get replacement blades & fitting kits from several sources in several different countries, in several different colours/designs and materials. The
Beuchat Competition fins (which is the one I have experience of) is usually one of the cheapest fin options (although a few of the less high profile companies, Seacsub & Mares spring to mind, often have slightly better prices on fins suitable for spearing and are worthy of consideration) and if not, shop around (Scubaland in France had a good price earlier this month but factor in shipping costs too)! IMHO
Beuchat Competition fins offer good value and performance for spearfishing at a reasonable price, provided you shop carefully.