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Help - fish ID needed

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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New Member
Mar 16, 2008
Hi - could anyone help me identify the fish below - or whats left of it. Its been eaten by an otter. It was found in a in an estuary at the mouth of a small freshwater creek. It looks like it has the tail of a fast swimming fish yet the body fins of a flat fish???

Thanks in advance


Not an expert on freshwater fish but i immediately thought freshwater bream as well.

With regards Rays bream aren't they a very rare, very deep saltwater fish?

They are Dave but they do get numbers of them washed up every year and some years they are very common (2005 off SW Ireland).
Prob just me wishing it was a rays!!! makes it a bit more interesting!!
Being at the mouth of an estuary then it would figure that it was a Bronze Bream as they can tolerate brackish waters.
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