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help some fellow spearos :)

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Jul 5, 2005
Dear All,

In order to counter the thousands of signatures from environmental groups requesting the NMFS to drop the red snapper TAC to 5.8 million pounds we have created a petition site that supports the council's decision to delay by 4 months any further action on red snapper and supports the voluntary buyout of commercial quota that would be transferred to the recreational sector upon purchase. PLEASE go to the site below by clicking on it or visit Orange Beach Fishing Association's web site www.gulffishing.net/home.htm and sign the petition there. We encourage you to forward this email to as many people as possible so that we can obtain thousands of signatures.

Best Regards,
Bobbi Walker
Orange Beach Fishing Association

in laymans terms, in the gulf of mexico, they want to put a 2 fish daily bag limit on red snapper, and also shorten the season for them, while still allowing shrimp trawlers ect. to kill off hundreds of tons of juvenile snapper every year, while this may not affect us spearos on other parts of the world directly, it still affects our sport in general, signing the petition is a quick proccess, go sign it and who knows, maybe someday you'll be in the gulf, freediving a rig, getting some big red snapper, instead of freediving the rig, and looking at the snapper saying boy.. i wish i could try one of those, i hear they taste good
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you bet, done. Get signing people, I'm getting sick to the teeth with this, "stop those murderers spearing fish and let the commercial folk empty the sea of its natural wealth attitude now."

Two lovely ladies strolling along the beach were nice enough to refer to myself and my dive buddy as pirates yesterday, when we were getting out of the water with one fish each and a couple of crabs for dinner :head
maybe they were thinking of long john silver paddy and you took them up wrong.
You should hear the buzz here in Ireland about salmon and drift net fishing, big stink about banning them but don,t remember hearing any about the ban on spearing them.
i hope that with 70 views, we have had more than 2 people sign the petition, yknow... i live in an area that has NO fishing quotas, no illegal species, and while some people might think its heaven, it isnt, cuz when they do put quotas on us, its gonna hurt us all.
Sickbugs: I don't understand: who and when moved Barbados to the Gulf of Mexico? Also, why do you want to kill more than two pargos a day? Finally, where do you get that shrimp trawlers kill hundreds of tons of pargos of any age? Pargos are bottom and cave dwellers. They are not commonly caught by trawlers. I am all for reasonable restrictions on commercial fishermen, but I think we spearos should show some restraint as well, and not kill more than what one is actually going to eat.
i moved barbados into the gulf, couldnt handle looking at those pics of superflat ocean anymore, so i picked it up and walked it over.

petition was for red snapper not pargo, i think pargo are black grouper? could be wrong there, dont shoot grouper here, all the shallow ones are gone... but anyways, if I am limited to shooting 1 snapper a dive or something, what happens when i have family over for fish dinners? either i gotta pop out to the supermarket to buy fish, or, if i was in the gulf, spend a couple hundred $ on fuel everyday to go out to the rigs to shoot one snapper.. woohoo..

but anyways, maybe you havnt seen any bycatch pics from trawlers???
been a while but I couldnt ignore this one....

Jose, are you telling me you only care about fish in your own waters? If so how is that Delaware river huntig working out for you?

Secondly please read a little before posting things you obviously know nothing about. The NMFS study says shrimper bycatch is responsable for killing 80% of each year class of red snapper....80% OF EVERY SNAPPER BORN EACH YEAR!!!! It is one of the MOST COMMON bycatch for them. The simple fact is they are cutting the already small recreational quota and not curbing the horrible impact commercial fisheries have on snapper populations. This limitation will do nothing to help red snapper stocks.

So you continue to sit back, allow more ristrictions while we fight for your right to spear at all. Because believe it or not that is the underlying current in alot of proposed restrictions.

And yes, my family and I can eat four american red snapper....not pargo.
I'm on it! Commercials need to earn a living but not at the expense of the entire ocean. By-catch is reaching criminal proportions.
Reactions: spaghetti
I agree, trawling isnt worth it, not only from a bycatch standpoint, but the irreparable destruction of the bottom habitat they pull over. They can raise them in ponds these days......
Reactions: spaghetti
OK, I apologize if I offended anyone. it was not my intention. I have not read the NMFS study. As I said, I am for reasonable restrictions on commercial fishing, and I can add that I am against trawling too. Like all spearos I've seen the destruction they cause.
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