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Help with bottom times.

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The Mothership is coming!
Oct 31, 2007
Hello everyone. I'm going to do my first depth freedive soon. And it will also be for spearing. Now, I have a consistent 4min breath hold, how does that equate to bottom time at 10m? Can it be so simply calculated? Also, when you spearos are down there on the sandy bottom, how do you know it's time to come up? First contractions?

I think it's impossible to calculate a relation between your static breath hold personal best and your hunting bottom time: when hunting you blow much more air and spend many more mental energies, because you have to focus on more things than just holding your breath.
It's hard to tell also if the first contraction is too early or too late: it depends on how YOU react to contractions both physically and, most of it, mentally. When ten meters deep, some people panic at the first contraction, while other people piss them off. They're both wrong IMHO.
Just remember: never stretch your breath hold capability to its limit when hunting. Always save some spare air for emergency: don't wait till the air is completely over, give yourself the time to react if your leg gets tangled, if your fin gets stuck in a crack in the rock, et cetera et cetera.
Just take 4 deep breaths, with exhale time longer than inhale time, go down and stay for as long as YOU FEEL comfortable: Don't wait for the "breaking point".
In short: Just dive and see what happens.
In short: Just dive and see what happens.
And of course, You do that with a buddy who looks after You and doesn't go off shooting stuff while You're down there.
i would recommed that yu try freediving first around the areas you plan to hunt, get comfortable with it, get to know your limits , your gear, the place etc...then take a speargun....
Reactions: spaghetti
It'll be a bit hard to freedive first in the areas I plan to go, because it's restricted access. But that would be best. Thanks Marwan.

I guess everybody's different yea. So basically as Marwan said, it'll be best if I could go down first and define my limitation. Thanks spaghetti.

Sanso, that is number one is my safety books. Thanks for reminding me though.

Cheers everyone!
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