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New Member
May 15, 2008
I am from San Antonio and have done a fair amount of fresh water spear fishing in the clear rivers and lakes around my home town... I spend a lot of time on the ocean in Port Aransas and will be working there all summer long. I am hoping to start spear fishing in the ocean (again) my first attempt last year ended in me getting battered around by a 15' tiger shark that, lucky for me, likes sheep’s head/snapper more then skinny white boy. so its not hard to imagine that I would like to start a little safer this time around. I created a phobia of sorts for sharks... and would like to start spear fishing in the bay and work my way back to rigs. so to the point! dose anyone have advise for me? I would like to know the basics of bay spear fishing. Im used to swimming around sunken x-mas trees and shooting gar and bass. I take it this is a much different experience and will require a different technique. I have a 14' Boston whaler and will be alone most of the time. I have adequate funds and a JBL 2 band spear gun with both “Large game barb tip” and “3 prong small game shocker tip”. Please give me any tips you may have to help me have a productive re-introduction to ocean fishing.
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my number one tip, and im sure most here will agree, is get a buddy. the buddy system works (when done correctly).

other than that i would say get comfortable, both with your gear and environment.
im not a big fan of JBL's but whatever works for you is good.

have fun, remember that if your not out there to have fun, then whats the point?
good luck and happy hunting
i will look for a diving buddy, but i always have a friend in the boat while i hunt. i agree that i need to find a buddy.
New terrain means new fish that react differently to our presence. That means time in the water at your chosen spots to learn what you need to do to get your dinner. Even the same freshwater fish act differently in different lakes/seasons/temps/thermoclines, let alone ocean fish.
Are you freaked out enough by the shark experience to have bad anxiety when you're in the water? If so, CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) may be the answer- just google it and find a technique that works and keep doing it. If not a problem, never mind!
If you're not on SCUBA, I'd recommend a gun that is neutral in the water and floats when the shaft's out.

If you boat has an anchor get your friend a wetsuit so he can keep a closer eye on you, maybe he'll get interested and you'll have someone to dive with always? try to sneek up on fish, if you see some rocky area's then swim down and use the rock to your advantage. Worked for me the other day, I snuck up on 2 zebra fish and I don't think they even saw me?
I want to hear the tiger story:) I've dove a looooong time and never seen a tiger. Almost looking forward to it at this point;)

JBL's suck. They use thick shafts that don't penetrate well unless it's a big gun. Get a freedive oriented gun, make things much easier( hawaiian shaft-better accuracy-better penetration-more stone shots)
Sounds like you will be expecting to nail some sheepshead and flounder? Don't know what your bay is like there.

The jbl two band has enough punch for most of what you'll see. If it is a rear handled model(as i suspect) You may also consider a switch to a euro gun like an omer or a picasso. You will likely notice improved speed with the thinner shaft. Helps with sticking the spooky fish I've noticed in cloudier water. Once you get the thin shaft.....
I say get a 90-110cm rob allen Caranx, more than enough punch with a single 20mm band and a 7mm spear. Really accurate, and the prices over there are pretty reasonable, check out florida freedivers.
well the JBL was cheap and I lost my good gun out at the rig... I will probly get a new one here soon... thanks for the suggestions ill take a look into them. my friend Nikhil bought me a "Mares Mini Mini Sten Pneumatic Speargun" he said he might not be there this time to save me ha ha. its a side arm spear gun... I don’t think it will do any good against a tiger but it will be handy for shooting around tight rocks...

ha ha and the storys a little embarassing.... I was out at the first rig off Port A, water was cloudy but there where fish every where, I hade a little over half my stringer when I saw him swimming... I got a little wary and stayed close to the pillion (definitely helped keep him away) I shot about a 20LB red snapper and in the process got pulled off the rig about 10 foot, I dealt with the snapper and started heading up for the day (I hadn’t seen him since I got to about 10 ft and he came out of no where and hit my stringer pulling me with him for about 15 ft before letting go, I went strait to the top and headed for my boat, he came back I jabbed at him. I think it just pissed him off but I kept for the boat. He got a hold of my string right when I got to the back of the boat but lucky for me he ripped the fish off fast...... Nikhil (my friend) reached down and helped me out (i droped my gun getting in)... I hit the deck and just laid there resting for about 20 mines until the adrenalin wore off... when I got up I realized how much easier my life would have been if I had cut the stringer but for some reason it never crossed my mind while I was in the water. I had 1 sheep’s head half of a small snapper with a tooth in it and the big snapper left... I got a copy of what was left of my stringer hanging on the wall with the tooth under it. Makes good talk if I bring a date over ha ha...
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Man i wouldve shat all over the place if that was me rofl
Im glad to hear your going back in, im not sure if i would after a close call like that :)
A buddy in the baot isn't a buddy in the water, thats for sure. Theres a few stories I've heard of guys dying in the water while they're buddy sat drinking beer in the boat pretty much. I hate diving alone, especially in western aus where you kinda need a gang sometimes to keep the sharks off your mackerel
ha ha i just found a dive buddy actualy, thanks to DB. so now i have some one to dive with and am looking for other as we speak, im going to try to convert some of my m8's to UWhunting. i think they will be hooked after their first day out. i know i was. :blackeye
Good luck mate, glad that DB was helpful for you. Look forward to hearing some trip reports!
Well that's good you found a dive buddy bro, now if anyone wants to be my dive buddy while I'm touring new zealand...? I'm so lonely hahaha.:friday
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