During my dives my partner was noticing that after some dives i was getting the blue lips simptom, but I was feelling very well and the dives were far from beeing to the edge. As I'm a freediving Trainer I did not know how to explain this to my students. I know that cyanosis is a sign of oxygen depleted blood, but in my case I always felt good.
I search around and found this article. It is a very interesting article about cyanosis and hemoglobin levels.
To resume the article: people with high hemoblobin get cyanosis before they have severe hypoxia, with low Hb levels signs of hypoxia (LMC, BO) come berfore cyanosis is observed.
In the poll I want to see how are your hemoglobin leves and if anybody is experiencing blue/purple lips without beeing severly hypoxic.
Regards and good dives,
Erik Stojanovic
SAPA apnea team
During my dives my partner was noticing that after some dives i was getting the blue lips simptom, but I was feelling very well and the dives were far from beeing to the edge. As I'm a freediving Trainer I did not know how to explain this to my students. I know that cyanosis is a sign of oxygen depleted blood, but in my case I always felt good.
I search around and found this article. It is a very interesting article about cyanosis and hemoglobin levels.
To resume the article: people with high hemoblobin get cyanosis before they have severe hypoxia, with low Hb levels signs of hypoxia (LMC, BO) come berfore cyanosis is observed.
In the poll I want to see how are your hemoglobin leves and if anybody is experiencing blue/purple lips without beeing severly hypoxic.
Regards and good dives,
Erik Stojanovic
SAPA apnea team
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