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Hidden Talent Freediving

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2007
Just watched episode 2 of Hidden Talent, the first freediving one. Great Show!

Great fun watching everyone learning and pushing themselves to do something they had never imagined themselves achieving.

Roxanne Messenger who is chosen for intensive training has such an amazing dive reflex and progresses so fast it's almost scary. Congratulations Roxanne, and Emma Farrell. :girlie

Defo a must-see. Can't wait for episode 6.

Review is here: Hidden Talent with Richard Bacon - episode 2 tests for diving and artistic ability! | Unreality TV
I enjoyed the program too, in fact i am looking forward to all the episodes!
I watched it last night and also enjoyed it.
It's certainly raised interest/ awareness in the sport and I've overheard a few people discussing Roxanne and her achievements who probably knew very little/anything about the sport previously.