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Holiday Guernsey 2008

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ok, not sure why i just though about this but.. dont forget to bring a pair of sandals for walking out over the rocks to some of the dives. Dont know if that's really obvious or not...?
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Good reminder Jonny! Didnt have any last time! Hobbled about like a right tart!

Not long now guys, really looking forward to it!
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It is with a heavy heart that I announce my inability to attend this year's festivities.......I am gutted but Spaniard Jnr is imminent and having left it to the last moment, it is obvious that my wife will burn me on the stake if I am not in delivery ward with her! I'd like to thank Foxfish and co. for all the effort they have put into hosting this event and hope that all of the attendees enjoy it as much as I did last year!! I will be coming out as soon as I can and hope I can cause enough mayhem on my own roflrofl This is the best Holiday in the world with proper people who I will sorely miss this time round. My best to all of you!!!!!!!


You have PM

Don’t worry mate as I’ll eat yer Lobster and drink the cider for the both of us.:)
Good luck with it all my boy:):):):):):)
Spaniard we will miss you relaxing by the fire in your comfy chair but I have a plan - I am going to make a mannequin with a botttle of rocquett in its hand & put it in your chair, Podge wont even know the difference & Derek can talk to you all night.
That's sounds just fine and dandy, the next best thing to being there! Don't let Podge eat and drink all my portions! roflrofl

Might even toast him some marshmallows!
Good luck Juan.
I will be coming out as soon as I can and hope I can cause enough mayhem on my own roflrofl

Juan, all the ladies are going to be really disappointed!rofl

Seriously though, really sorry you won't be there, but of course it's very important you are with Mrs.S. at this time and I'm sure I speak for all here in wishing you and her the very best for the upcoming event.:friday
Guys the time is almost here & although a few members have had to cancel their trip the show will go on!
Friday morning meet at my house 11am. Low tide is at 12.49 so we can make a decision as to where a dive might be possible!!
Friday night meet at the Cambridge steps 6.45. for Herm trip.
Saturdays activities to be discussed on Friday night.
Sunday 5.30 at my house for lobster feast - It has been impossible to establish numbers for the meal so I am in a difficult position as to how many lobsters to buy. Also the forecast for the next few days looks bad for the lobster fishermen so I hope it all comes together on the day.
However there will be a 4 course meal all made from the best organic ingredients & locale seafood. Due to the numbers comming I hope you wont mind contributing toward my cost?
Assuming I can get enough lobster there will be one whole lobster per person, they will be served hot in their shell with a tarragon & cheese sauce
The claws will be severed separately, of course there will be a hot starter & one of Col & Mandy's exceptional deserts, cheese & marshmallows too!
£9.00 a head will really help me pull the boat out & give you guys a great meal. Please bring what you would expect to drink!?
Mart there’s no question that YOU’RE the man.
Sound's great and I’ve waited over a year for the great lobster feast so if it’s a third as good as last year then it’ll be the best £10 that I’ve spent for a while.
So what does everyone want to drink?:friday:friday
A list below would be helpful.
See you Friday
Sarah and Me will be there Sunday Mart. That's a bargain.

Podge, in my opinion some decent Muscadet sur lie would be a good accompaniment to the fishy stuff on offer, or perhaps a new world Sauvignon blanc. I can bring some, and I've also still got a leftover mini-keg of your Butcombe bitter, if it will still be OK.


Myself and Mrs Old Man are going to the Herm do on the Friday and will be also there on the Sunday lobsterfest.

Dave (and Helen)
Right on Colin, that’s a start with 2 bottles.:friday
I reckon that beer might be a little funky by now mate, I should recycle it down the sink.
Myself and Mrs jonny250 are going to the Herm do on the Friday and will be also there on the Sunday lobsterfest
Hi Mart

Would not miss it for the world. Sounds like what we land-locked folk call 'a bargain!'

Right it is 820pm, finale numbers for captains table = 17, lobster feast = 14 + 4 for drinks later.
Now all I have to do is find 14 fresh lobsters while it is blowing force 10 outside!
However we might be saved by the bell as on Friday it looks like my fishermen friends will be able to get out? In fact Friday looks like a nice day - fingers crossed for the next week!
Wayhay its party time
PS I had confirmation today that 3 other member wont be able to make it, unfortunately Marco & Lora + Steve W will not be attending
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