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Hollis M1 or Atomic Aquatics Venom?

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May 30, 2016
Anyone using either of these masks? How do you like them? Any preference between the two?
I have used the Hollis M1 for years, I have tried an Omer Bandit, IST hunter and several other models recently and none are as hassle free leaks wise or as comfortable. It may be that I found "the One " years ago but for me the Hollis M1 is my go to mask if I want a hassle free dive. Also it is very tolerant of stubble and beards if you shave a small amount from under the nose.......... just sayin I prefer a single lens for visibility purposes and don't dive super deep so volume is less of a priority to me than to some others. For me its a super functional and reliable workhorse of a mask that I know will not let me down, what more could I ask for!

Thanks for your response. I just ordered one. The Atomic is just toooo expensive.
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