I'm building a speargun and Im about to order the metal for the spear shaft. I'm going with grade 5 titanium because:
Tensile(KSI): 130
Yield(KSI): 120
Modulus of Elasticity(PSI-10^6): 16.4
which makes it almost twice as strong as steel for all three specs, and way lighter.
I found a place to get a 5/16"X57"...
Four Questions:
1) Anybody ever used titatium before?
2) Is there any reason not to?
3) For maximum compatibility, how much of the end should I thread for tips?
4) For a 5/16" shaft, what thread count/pitch are most tips?
I printed out the AB Biller patent and I'm basing my trigger mechanism off his... the guys in the machine shop at my work are helping me. I'm going to use stainless because the shop cant cut anything harder.
Three Questions:
1) How popular is the AB Biller trigger mechanism?
2) Has anybody ever had the spring clip inside it wear out?
3) Would a hard grade aluminum be acceptable?
I'd appreciate any help you could give!
Tensile(KSI): 130
Yield(KSI): 120
Modulus of Elasticity(PSI-10^6): 16.4
which makes it almost twice as strong as steel for all three specs, and way lighter.
I found a place to get a 5/16"X57"...
Four Questions:
1) Anybody ever used titatium before?
2) Is there any reason not to?
3) For maximum compatibility, how much of the end should I thread for tips?
4) For a 5/16" shaft, what thread count/pitch are most tips?
I printed out the AB Biller patent and I'm basing my trigger mechanism off his... the guys in the machine shop at my work are helping me. I'm going to use stainless because the shop cant cut anything harder.
Three Questions:
1) How popular is the AB Biller trigger mechanism?
2) Has anybody ever had the spring clip inside it wear out?
3) Would a hard grade aluminum be acceptable?
I'd appreciate any help you could give!