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How about a side dish?

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Deeper Blue Budget Bwana
Jan 13, 2004
I haven't posted a recipe since last November and I'm feeling out of practice. However, I haven't had any particularly creative fish dishes since then, either, so here's something to butter and munch between bites of finny food.

Sourdough Biscuits (Pinch-offs)

½ cup sourdough starter (available freeze dried on the Internet)
1 cup milk
2 ½ cup unsifted flour
1 Tbs. sugar
¾ tsp salt
1 tsp. baking powder
½ tsp. soda
melted butter or bacon grease

Mix the starter, milk and 1 cup of the flour in a large bowl (the night before if the biscuits are for breakfast; if for dinner, then in the morning). Cover the bowl and keep warm to rise.

Turn this very soft dough out onto 1 cup flour on a bread board. Combine salt, sugar, baking powder and soda with remaining ½ cup flour and sift over the top. With your hands, mix dry ingredients into the soft dough, kneading lightly to get the correct consistency. Roll out to ½ inch thickness. Cut out biscuits with a cutter, and dip each in melted butter or bacon grease.

Place close together in a 9-inch hot oven (375 degrees) for 30-35 minutes. Makes about 14 biscuits.

Sara, don't read this if you're on a serious diet.
oh crap how did you know???? rofl I am off the wheat now, Emma Farrells arrives on Sunday for a six week stay so I'll be back on the safe wagon, no gluten, no alcohol, and here's to looking good in six weeks time :)
I am off the wheat now,

Wheat's bad for you??? I just bought a flour mill been eating it like crazy and I feel great! ?? :confused: :rcard

Place close together in a 9-inch hot oven

Damn the recipe sounded good but I'll be damned if I'm gonna buy a 9 inch oven :head

By the way, not to hijack the thread but..:friday.. I tried milling some brown rice into flour for a chocolate fudge cake and it turned out pretty darn good. Don't forget the red pepper and the espresso also fresh ground. ;)
LOL, That was supposed to be "Dutch" oven. A big cast iron skillet works just as well.
Wheat's bad for you??? I just bought a flour mill been eating it like crazy and I feel great! ?? :confused: :rcard

Hey landy I love the wheat too but it contains gluten which is sticky :D if I stay off glutinous products and dairy I don't get equalisation problems and also I lose weight - your choccy cake sounds just fab :) however I am bearing the consequences od six months of bad diet and need to readdress the situation :)
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