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How many dives per session?

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How many dives per freediving session?

  • less than 10

    Votes: 2 6.1%
  • 10 - 19

    Votes: 12 36.4%
  • 20 - 29

    Votes: 10 30.3%
  • 30 - 39

    Votes: 2 6.1%
  • 40 - 49

    Votes: 2 6.1%
  • 50 or more

    Votes: 5 15.2%

  • Total voters


Jan 21, 2002
How many freedives do you typically make during a freediving session? Also, how long (hours, minutes) is your typical freediving session?
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if i am actively hunting i stay out for up to 3 1/2 - 4 hours, conditions permitting...if there is a lot of surge or bad vis i dont stay out as long, but if the waters clear and calm and the fish are out and about, im out there for a long time. summer water temp here is about 70 F at the surface, 55-59 at depth, so i wear a 3/2mm suit. i try and dive frequently, especially if i am in water that i cannot see the bottom and actively scan for fish. i usually take aproximately 45 second dives, followed by a two to five minute surface interval to prevent overexhaustion.
Freedive Missouri

About 20 dives in 2-3 hours. I have a little cheap Casio digital depth gauge that shows total time spent below 1m. I've been surprised, in a typical session it will read 20-25 minutes total at depth. Diving alone (with my 8 yr old) I dive very conservatively, seldom pushing much past 1 minute dives.

The lake close to my home is 80f at the surface and 55f below thermocline. We wear light wetsuits -- you're cold at depth, but too warm on the surface. Lake is 14 acres. An old mine. 210 ft. deep. Anyone traveling through the midwest, come dive with us.
Where in the midwest is this lake? What is the name of it?

I average about a minute of bottom time and two minutes on the surface. If I do 1 1/2 minutes at depth I'll do three minutes on the surface. I find that I can keep this pace up for quite a while. I don't push bottom times past this because I don't have a regular partner to dive with. I sometimes shorten my surface interval if i am diving with a scooter in shallow water.

It may not be a "purest" form of the sport, but it is a blast!

I can make it down to the wrecks and play around for awhile on my own.
With a scooter I can make it down, go over the entire wreck, and pick up lost masks and fins off the bottom on a single breath.

I have even been able to go down and put divers tanks back into the bc's, after their tank fell out of their back pack, and zoom away before their buddies even knew what happened.

It also helps to use a scooter to cover a large area quickly when looking for a wreck. We use scuba to do this on deeper wrecks, but freedive while doing on shallower ones.

If you are using one on a wreck, or in a cave, you need to make sure that its trimmed out right and your harness is the correct length. Once you have that set you should be able to run them with only one hand. I also don't run them all-out on scuba. When I freedive I like to run it as fast as possible for the fun of it.

We got a couple of those cheap little "turtle" scooters into the store to sell. I tried one out on the lake and gave up after about 10 minutes. It turns out that I can swim much faster than that thing can move. It was a real POS.

This past weekend I got to try out my father-in-laws new scooter for the first time. He just bought a Gavin and it blows away my little yellow Dacor. I can't afford one of my own, unless I sell all of my scuba gear. That might not be such a bad idea?

Originally posted by Jon
I can't afford one of my own, unless I sell all of my scuba gear.


I aassume asking your wife to sell off some of her shoe collection would be a very bad idea .

Asking her to sell off shoes to pay for my new scooter would likely increase my rent as I would be living in the dog house.

Her shoe collection isn't really as bad as my dive gear addiction. She understands that you need a new pair of fins every now and then. Buying a new $3,500 scooter is another story.

My diving sessions take about 1-3 hours.. Usually about 30-... dive dependig on the place...at coral reefs about 50 and up north where no wiz no fish about 10-20 dives..
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