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How often you go Spearfishing ?

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How often you go spearfishing ?

  • allmost every day posible

    Votes: 5 13.2%
  • more then once a week

    Votes: 13 34.2%
  • once a week or 2 weeks

    Votes: 12 31.6%
  • once a month

    Votes: 6 15.8%
  • i have to orgenize a trip ( once a year )

    Votes: 2 5.3%

  • Total voters


love to hunt in silence
Dec 17, 2004
hi Amigos
a simple question
how often you go spearfishing?
do question can show if most prople go spear every day , week , month
or some need to orgenize a trip once a year for that pleasure
fill free do add coments about the place you spear & the options that you

i will be the first to tell you that i go allmost once a week , in bad conditions once in 2 weeks

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I dove 52 days from my boat last year. That sounds a lot like once per week, but then there is a period of about 4 months in the winter when I hardly go at all.

If I dove from the beach, I guess I'd go much more often, but the boat makes it much harder. If I'm going out to the islands (as opposed to a local trip along the coast) I have to get the boat out of storage the day before the trip, then return it to strorage the day after the trip, so it takes three days of work for one day of diving.
every possible day I can. which means up here, twice a week. if I'm over seas it means 3 -5 times a week
I live in England & on that basis you would have to be seriously dedicated to hunt all year round. To start with from November till January, darkness falls around 5 pm & stays dark till 8 am. That leaves 9 hours of daylight. Assuming you work? weekends are the only time you could possibly spearfish in day light! Then you have to contend with the weather, November till March is WINTER! cold seas, high winds, bad visibility ect. Having pointed those facts out, we can have glorious sunny days in the middle of winter & various fish species are "seasonally" present all year around. Recently local spearos have discovered fantastic "night time" fishing in December - January.
Not exactly spearfishing but crabs & lobsters are also at their best eating in the winter months & are available to the dedicated diver.
Maybe this year I will try night diving but up till now I have only spearfished from April until October.
If i could i would dive 3-4 times a week.

But Summer did not happen this year, we havent had many good weekends where we have been able to get out and as it allways happens all the good days are during the week.
I sit in the office looking at the dead flat ocean on the internet coastal cams
knowing that come the weekend the weather would have changed and it all will be stuffed.
Last week was dead flat monday to friday and the weekend was looking excellent then this stupid mother of a cyclone decided to come down from the north and totally stuff it up.
We sat in the car at the boat ramp on Saturday morning, all pumped up and ready to get some macks looking at a blown out lumpy white capped ocean
and went home.
And by the looks of the long range forcast it going to happen again this weekend.

One power ball ( lotto ) and i buying a Big long range Helicoper buy all my spearo mates businesses, firing them and going spearing whenever i bloody want to.

I'd say I've speard once a week this last summer, but I don't expect to do so much over winter when the swell starts coming up and the water temp drops.

Hey Crusty,

Went out spearing amongst the whitecaps at Stragglers yesterday. Vis was suprisingly good, swell was low, and there were a few fish about. It was a very wet trip in and out in Brad's centre console, but pretty reasonable really. Easily the roughest day I've been out on, but the diving was well worth it and I had a good feed of king george last night.

com on hunters
so many people spearfishing & 17 only gave a click on the poll ?
i would like to get a bigger picture of this issue
please help me with that:t
Did you mean how may times do I dive or how many days to I dive?
I'll get in the water 1 to 20 times perday depending on when and where I dive.
Well.... I go to Turkey/Greece yachting every year for 2 weeks!!!So I hunt throught different places and explore different conditions (which is good for experience), and also that the whole crew dosent die from hunger!LOL!

Then, some thing like 3 times a year I (hope) to nail somebody on Mallorca.

If I really WANT TO KILL, my dad drives me to a big lake in Russia (during summer ofcause)!!!Well.. actualy the Volga is FULLL !!!! of huge fish!
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Mmm...I have been so lucky to lose my job...21 days in march!!
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Hm, haven't been able to go in way, way too long. I'd love to go more often though.
Whenever Neptune allows me to(i know, a funny name for the WIFE). no serious, if the seas are good then most evenings for about 2 hours shallow diving(with gun, but not serious hunting), and when possable out on the reef (2km offshore) 18m depth(serious fishing).Need my own boat to get there more often.
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all the time id say, everytime i have a few hours to spare, and the sea is good, i dive.

some weeks, i spend 30 hours in the water, about 80% of that is spearfishing
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