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How to I use the divehunter?

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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being doing a bit of research, maybee a kayak anchor and a reel? clip the reel to the board, anchor to the line, and then drop the anchor when im at my destination?
I tie mine to my gun, the same as any other float. That way if you drop your gun/ shoot a big fish and let go of your gun you can retrieve it easily. I use the dive hunter for long swims or swims against strong tides then when I reach the dive spot I use it like a normal float. They are also good if scallop hunting as they keep te scallops out the water and reduce the drag.

Hope this answers your question
I have 6mm floating canoe rope (means less tangles as its thick) on a keeper that I just unwind depending on how deep I plan on going. On the other end I have an omer quick release weight Omer Quick Release Clip Weight. Accessories Weights, Scubastore.com, buy, offers, dive that I clip onto my belt and then drop it when I want to dive. I dont like being attached to the rope as I dive in kelp a lot and it gets caught up. Better to drop it and dive nearby. I have a kayak anchor for diving in current. I also have a steel ring on the bottom for fish and a rucksack bladder on top for water! Its a great piece of kit.
Hi johnny, thats actually a really good idea mate. Ill look to get one of those I think. So 1kg of weight wont get swashed around on the bottom no?

Hi All,

I use my Dive hunter with a dive reel and single D weight. The D weight has a slot cut in it to slide onto my weight belt when swimming. I tend to fish known spots and holes so drop the weight close then rest/ enter spots uncumbered by the float.

Great bit of kit, have managed to surf 60+ yards on it too coming in off the local reef in 'interesting' conditions. Sure beat finning in!