Hi everyone.If you read my previous "post,s"on an "Asso",this is to clarify matters.Now, listen-up!,I,m only going to say this ONCE!.Many people,(including myself !)did not,do not, understand the, half power/full power method of loading a pneumatic gun which has this facillity.So,... IF YOU FIRE WITH THE CONTROL IN THE FULL POWER POSITION,WHEN YOU RELOAD,EVEN IF YOU,VE SWITCHED IT TO THE HALF POWER POSITION,YOU WILL STILL BE LOADING ON FULL POWER, WHICH WILL BE VERY HARD. HOWEVER,IF YOU FIRE IN THE HALF POWER POSITION,& KEEP IT THERE, YOU CAN RELOAD ON HALF POWER & SWITCH IT TO FULL POWER FOR A FULL POWER SHOT.SO,.....QUESTION,...HOW DO I FIRE ON FULL POWER & RELOAD ON HALF POWER, TO MAKE IT EASY?.ANSWER...AFTER FIRING, SWITCH IT TO HALF POWER,INSERT THE SHAFT & PUSH IT IN ABOUT 150MM (6 INCHES)THEN,STILL KEEPING HOLD OF IT, LET IT SLOWLY RETURN TO IT,S START POSITION,REPEAT, BUT THIS TIME PUSH IT IN A LITTLE FURTHER,REPEAT THE PROCESS UNTIL IT CLICK,S HOME. What you are doing is pushing the air,that,s trapped in the barrel,(behind the piston,but in front of the one way valve)back, past the one way valve, into the pressure chamber. I do hope this help,s people,even some sale,s people don't fully understand this,sorry I labored the explanation,but this is for our friends who don't speak English, as well. Geoff.
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