So I have been looking at this fourm for a while, decicing whether a speargun or a hawiian sling would be better. I concluded a hawaiian sling would be better considering I am a begginer and constructing a speargun would be nearly impossible.
So my main quesion was is there one internet site or place I can go that can completely (I have vistited many many sites) guide me on how to make one, and possibly even where I can get the supplies.
And it would always be welcomed if you want help me out on my journey.
The last thing is, what would be the recommended pole spear for me. I would be hunting in 15-20 ft water and it would be very visible.
So my main quesion was is there one internet site or place I can go that can completely (I have vistited many many sites) guide me on how to make one, and possibly even where I can get the supplies.
And it would always be welcomed if you want help me out on my journey.
The last thing is, what would be the recommended pole spear for me. I would be hunting in 15-20 ft water and it would be very visible.