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How to make OMER footpockets more closely !?

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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New Member
Jan 20, 2006
Hi !

I am using a Monofin (Flyer from Specialfins) fore 5 month now, but i have one big problem with them.

My normal foot-sice is 45. in Cressi-Sub Fins i have sice 44-45. fits perfect, just a little too wide.
For the Monofin i got the advice to order them "too small" so i took the 42-44 footpocket.
My big toe comes out on the front of the footpockets about 3cm. But thats not the problem...
but the problem is that these da... OMER Footpockets are that wide and large !
I have narrow feed !
I can only use my loved monofin with 5mm socks and the Omer finsholder !
And even with that thick socks and finsholder, i feel there is much space in the footpockets and winding them in any kick !
i always feel distorting the footpockets in any finstroke !
So please help me ! how can i make the Footpockets more closely to my feed ?
Can i glue a "sole" of 2mm neoprene on the bottom(or the "roof"?) inside the footpockets ? make that "sole" more anatomic put another lie below that ?

Any suggestions ?
Hope you understand my english!
Looking forward your advices !

Best regards,


You can add rubber strips with rubber cement inside the footpocket to make it a narrower fit. Using rubber means that you won't suffer from the material compressing at depth.....hope that helps

Thank you, Andy !

Thats true, rubber seems to be much better then compressible neoprene.
But i can not imaginge how "ruber strips with ruber cement" look like !
do you mean rubber-lies as used on a inflateable boat or in bicycle-tube ?

Where can i get what you mean !? any links ?

best regards

You can use bike tube. "rubber cement" is just a glue and a form of contact adhesive. If you are going to use bike tube then go for a thick downhill mountain bike tube. An old car tube is great rubber in a good thickness as well and you can usually get old ones from tyre shops for free. Just remember to use sand paper to take the shine off the rubber first so that the glue has something to hold on to.
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