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How to modify my waterway model 2 ?

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Martin H
Aug 26, 2007
Hi fellow freedivers, I need some help,hope somebody here has som experience with this.
I just got my first monofinn from Swim.dk Shop And Im happy,The foot pocket is really tight around my bear feet,but the problem is that I need to use this all year around,and here in Norway that means that I have to wear 6mm socks.
There is no way im getting my feet into this thing with socks on. So there's the problem.
Have anybody tried modifying monofins of ca this sort ?
Shuld I cut at B or C , shuld I even touch A ? what kind of glue shuld I use,and what kind of material shuld I fill inn

-Any suggestions would be appreciated :)

I dive cold too, get cold easily, wear a 7mm suit almost all the time but only need 3mm socks, even for hours in the water. My feet don't really feel the cold.
I say go try diving with a pair of 3mm socks and see what happens- maybe it will be okay, and you wont need to cut your footpockets.
Better than cutting would be to get a bigger footpocket.
I get cold on my feet with 6mm Mares socks in the winter, so I doubt 3mm will do.
Besides ,this Mono is a 1:1 fit.. I will not be able to use 3mm sock here.. but thanx for your input :)

Edit: on the other hand,this fin is "closed around the toes" so maby it will feel warmer than my bifins(omer), but still.. it wont fitt with 3mm socks.. :(
Yikes. I think if you cut the footpocket, you are going to have problems as there's so much leverage at that point... I could see you ripping it open even with a good patch and glue. Even if it worked, I think you'd still have a footpocket that didn't fit properly.
Do you have the biggest size footpockets? I'd put the right footpockets on- it's not that difficult, but removing the originals might be a pain.
It seems to be the biggest size,says the shop.. ! unbelivable,do I hav so big feet .

Got a new Idea. what if I cut left and right of A, (not along the line A) That way i woul be able to put my foot longer inside(got lots of room for toes) and the rom from ancle to heel strap would be bigger, thus making the whole thing bigger.. hmmm
Ok. then I solved the problem my self
I did use a carpet knife,and cut around the foot,so making room for the foot to come longer inn,thus making the heelstrap "longer"

Cut carefully 3mm each time,until it fits. +I use soap to make the foot slide into place.

No all I have to do is repeat this in the sea with 1-5 C in the water,and 5 to -5 in the air... brr
I think the temperature will make it harder to flex... so maby I will not get it on.. ah well we'l see
Maybe instead of cutting try warming it and stretch it slowly. I've heard somewhere that people are doing this with footpockets so maybe it will work with your monofin too, it's rubber too
Most of us that have used monofins- especially in cold water, use soap and also put up with the tightness of the pockets. I found that with time in the fin, my feet adapted to the footpockets and were not troubled or cramped any more.
ps: be sure to tell everyone about your big feet
Probably my answer comes too late, since you already cut your footpockets, but with a friend of mine we fonnd a nice solution to cope with cold water. A solution that I think is worth sharing: we just cut the foremost part of a pair of 5mm socks, then we wear them not on our feet directly but ON TOP of the monofin footpocket, after inserting the foot, in such a way that the socks cover most of the footpockets, the feet, up to the ankles. This way very few water enters into the footpockets and the feet remain hot, even in cold water. Moreover, this also seals the feet and the soap you use to ease wearing the monofin (mine is so tight that I need soap even when wore barefoot) remains there longer.

I hope my description was clear enough and it could be of some use to others.

I actually thought of something like that, but never actually tried it. nice to hear that it workes
Im trying the fin in the pool today,will be nice to se how it workes out,
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Oh boy this was FUN the sheer POWER when gliding trough the water was just so mutch fun.Really glad I bought the monofin now,and really looking forward to when I can bear to wear it more than 10 minutes at a time
I would've suggested what gianpaoloc said. Too late now though I know quite a few (in addition to my self) who have tried it and it works ok. Depends a bit on the fin though.
I've tried two modification on monofins:
Finswimming equipments - WATER WAY

The first is to use lubricant:
BODYGLIDE / Prevention Is Better Than A Cure
it makes a world of difference, and it can be applied to the foot underwater

The other is to use a thin sheet of carbon composite as an insert sole: It serves two purposes: 1) its slippery to aid with insertion of the foot, and 2) it reduces the stress on the bottom of the foot where the foot pocket ends

periodically round the edges at the heel because the carbon sheets hone to be very sharp after hundreds of times coming into contact with the pool wall.

My next modification will be to attach a Waterway blade to Force Fins foot pockets
(which I really like).

See the Forcefin video (Force Fin Swim Fins click on "History of ForceFins" and go to 4:23/7:20)

Of course the best modification to a monofin is to use a hydrofoil kickboard.

Holy moly. Anyone tried modefying theire fin like this ?
Looks comfertable though
Now there's an idea! I'll have to look into this. But I'm worried that the holes won't hold up to the forces that act in a footpocket.
I ended up doing this to my fin, not cut out the toes thoug.
It is working suprisingly fine, I used a (cut holes in a belt )pliers and made the holes.
Will put up some pictures in a day or so.
The monofin is nicer to wear with socks. that without,less friction on the skin of foot,and way more comfort.

I have used it in pool for 4-5 sessions so far and it lookes like it will hold
Well, Gwaihir, I happen to own two older classic fins. To adjust the straps it't a matter of patient pealing of the outer rubber bands, than the two flaps of the footpocket itself.
Maker sure you make a marking of it's previous position (always nice to know you can go back).
Then lube you feet/booties really well, and put them in the pocket as far as you can, put the straps arround your heal tight, mark them. and proceed with the other foot/booty.

Glueing it al back to gether.
Sand and clear the straps of any dirt and glueremains.
Use strong lorry truck tire glue, such as Tip Top 4, (E 3,-) to put on both to be glued surfaces, evenly and not to thick. Folow the glueing instuctions wait for about 5 min, and than press the healstraps together, making sure there is no air between the glued surfaces. Than add the lighter coloured reinforcement strip using the same glue and method.

I'm sure the local finswim coach could reply your questions too.

Cutting the healband as you proposed is not a good idea. To glue such cut you'll need something like an industrial quality super rubber glue, like Locktide 406.

In general put though patience, time and quality into your glueing operation, it is vital for a satisfactory result.

Love, Courage and Water,
