I agree in particular with Eric´s comments about the diet. I have made a substantial change in my diet and lifestyle. I cut out processed foods and sugar (as far as this is possible) and I eat mostly plant-based whole foods. Cardiovascular exercise is also really important but without straining yourself if you have elevated BP. I recommend a book: "How not to Die" by Michael Greger and Gene Stone but seeks your doctor´s advice before making any significant changes to your lifestyle. I reduced my BP and Cholesterol with the change in diet and exercise and I feel 20 years younger too! Preparing food from scratch is very educative and enjoyable in itself and every mealtime is a treat. I should add that any change would have been very difficult without the support of my wife. I she were not committed to healthy living, it would be much harder for me to do so. As for Yoga and meditation, I agree that any activity which helps to calm us is beneficial. Sex is a great BP regulator too- perhaps you should study and practice Tantra. I have found that all of these things combined have enormously improved the quality of my day to day life.