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How to spot fishing nets

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Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2005
Does anyone know if there is a convention for marking static nets in the UK? (assuming Mr Fisherman has been good and marked them). Perhaps a particular type of buoy or flag marker?

I see lots of buoys and floats on my dives and wondered if there are any that I shouldn't swim between.
Reactions: podge
im sure they are marked, otherwise the fishermen wouldnt find them. if you cant find a convention/course, go by your local docks and ask fishermen how they mark their nets inorder for you to avoid them. also, you might want to ask your coast guard dept. finally, never go out without a knife.

p.s. dont tamper with their nets, cages, and traps. its how they make a living. plus if you get caught.... ouchies!
Land Shark,
Any special type of scissors? A few years ago I looked into the Paramedic-type shears but could not figure out a system to carry it. I have often though that scissors or shears would be better for nets, line, and monofilament than a knife.
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