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how to treat a new mask?

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New Member
Jan 13, 2006
hi ppl!

This question has probably been asked many times before..

.. anyways:

How is the initial anti-fog treatment carried out?

XabreTooth said:
(just received my new Alien today!)
Everyone should have one of their own dont you think?
I think there are many ways but a good scrub of the inside of the lenses with toothpaste always works for me and a just spit and rinse before use and thats BEFORE USE OK HA HA
No mate leave them in, I would never try to take the lenses out of mine for any reason. just put a dab on the end of your finger or cloth and rub it over the lens for a couple of minutes then wrinse it off. remember to use white paste, the sort that is gritty, dont worry it wont scratch the glass.
I find a good old spit and polish, just before I enter the water, does the trick!
Before you use a new mask, you should remove the residue on the lenses from the manufacturing phase.

To do this, you can use any slightly abrasive cleaner (liquids work best) for the bathroom or kitchen. I have used almost everything you could imagine. Old style tooth paste (not gel) is usually recomended. I prefer lemon Vim at this pint!

Just put a couple drops on each lense, a bit of water and scrub with the end of your finger for a couple minutes.

Rinse really well after, you don't want anything to get in your eyes (trust me on this one). The menthol from toothpaste and fumes from some cleaners or can be very iritating to your eyes.
And of course the standard disclaimer must follow:

Don't use any abrasive like toothpaste on a plastic lense such as the Sphera mask.
ok. thanks.

I did a thorough scrub with tooth paste. First on only one lens, and it really made a difference! I reckon my mask is in working order now.
BEST THING EVER ...:martial

forget about spitting, sea weed etc....:head

just get hold of a little spray bottle (eg. nosal spray i use for my allergy):rcard

fill it up with kitchen washing up liquid....and squirt a bit on the lenses...rub...rinse....smells:thankyou nice and crystal clear...
always carry 2 :friday sprays with me...in case i lose one...keep them in my dive bag in the pocket....


I currently use an Omer Alien for spearing/freediving, as well as a Cressi Matrix for scuba....
I've never done any of the things mentioned in this thread, apart from rubbing a little spit around the lens just before entering the water, and my masks never fog up...
And what is this mysterious 'residue' that needs to be removed on the inner surface of the lenses? Whenever I’ve bought a new mask, the lenses have looked crystal clear! I've certainly never noticed it, and have never knowingly removed it, and my masks perform perfectly!
Dont take my word for it but....

The residue is supposed to be minute particles (or something like that ) of silicone that stick to the lenses .....
So....when the evaporations of water -sweat of your warm face start to come out :chatup , they stick easier on the lens surface with the help of the silicone particles.

So....another good technique as mentinoed earlier...is to Burn your mask, and it actually means BURNING the lenses, but lighting a lighter (on the inside) of the lens and in turn the flame burns the residue silicone. You lens will go black fom the fire and smoke, but it can be easily cleaned even by rubbing it with your fingers...DONT BURN YOUR FINGERS :naughty !!!! LENS WILL BE HOT !!!!

Dont worry about burning the rubber silicone skirt of your mask as it is quite resistant to it.... just dont overdo it !!!!! try it out first on an old mask to see what its not harmfull....

Unless u get a panzy mask withthe special coatings that are supposed to be antigoffing and all this bull..... :rcard

Like my Omer Abyss Milllenium....bot it looked mean.....and it w:head :rcard :naughty as supposed to be antiscratch....and antifog.... my hairy ass....:vangry PLus...it does not look mean when i have it on...i look like a teenage mutant ninja turtle .....:martial

So....having used many materials to clean my masks since i was little (potato, sea weed, spit, toothpaste) the best solution is :

:friday BURN WHEN NEW !!!!!!! then WASHING UP LIQUID !!!!!!!!!!!!!! :friday

gserghiou said:
always carry 2 :friday sprays with me...in case i lose one...keep them in my dive bag in the pocket....

Still prefer to spit in mine, its free and I dont need to carry a spare mouth rofl I aint never lost mine yet. Mind you there are times when I wish I had roflroflrofl
Sure it does . . . . .:)
And u can also get in in different 'flavours-smells' rofl
My mates were puzzled when i pulled out my nosal spray and sprayed washing up liquid in their masks...they could not believe it..they thought it was something i bought from the diving shop :naughty .

Give it a try and let me know... no more spitting...and god dont u hate it when u go to dive...and your mouth goes dry !!!!! (where's the spit then ???):confused:

I should bottle it in my used nosal sprays and sell it....make a fortune !!!!
they used to spray the lenses on masks with silicone before sending them out to prevent scratching - which is where the toothpaste advice comes from

I don't think anyone does this anymore so you shouldn't need toothpaste these days - but if you do find it fogs, and spit is not enough, then toothpaste should work

the important thing is to get the spit on the lens BEFORE it gets wet at all.....the gunkier the better, ask a mate with a heavy cold ; )
samdive said:
the important thing is to get the spit on the lens BEFORE it gets wet at all.....the gunkier the better, ask a mate with a heavy cold ; )
Or a lung squeeze. :p
I sometimes use the shampoo/conditioner which I use to get into my suit. Works like a charm, just wash it enough that you won't burn your eyes.
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