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howz it from the "OC"

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2005
After lurking forever, I figure I'll get more involoved. My names Allan and I live in San Clemente, California, but Im a ski town transplant. I do find that the coastal lifestyle agrees with me. I love diving and fishing with my girlfriend, she's lurking around here somewhere. We are always looking for folks to dive with, but we just recently made the switch from SCUBA. Im a divemaster looking to move onto instructor, but really having more fun "thanks, but no tanks!" lately.
So if you live in the area, or down south (we're at la jolla alot) hit me with a PM and lets go get wet!!! We would also enjoy pool work.
Hi Allan

Wellcome to DB

I am in Baja Sur, around Santa Rosalia. If you ever come down just drop me a line, we'd go out for a dive.

¿do you like spearfishing?



Hey Allan how are you doing?
Welcome to DB!
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