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huntin central america...

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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New Member
Apr 23, 2008
hey boys (& girls i suppose),

i'm in costa rica, runnin round all central america... is there any place on this website to get with folks from round here? yeah, i'm new on the site, but i been in the water since i was born....been all over....
thanks ya'll...happy huntin....
oye, guajiro,

soy de matanzas, criado en los united, brother! pero tendo diez anos viajando por todos lados....que diablos haces en holanda? no te llaman tus aguas??? lo unico feo de estar en estas partes, es encontrar o comprar equipo....ahora estoy en el mercado por un gps portatil, radio marino, y me quiero comprar un arpon omer...sopongo que lo puedo comprar por internet y ver si me lo traen por correo...impuestos...pe pe pe....
pegame un grito...
cubano perdido

no has vuelto a patria??? has pescado alli?? yo no....pero espero hacerlo algun dia....
mi gente estan presente, latino hasta la muerte!!!!
cubano perdido
hola cubanoperdido.soy de camaguey una playa que se llama santa lucia y naci a 5m del mar y lo extrano todos los dias en serio todos los dias.regrso todos los anos a la tierra pero alli no se puede vivir con tanta reprecion y ya saves como es.tengo un albun de fotos en medfish .com alli puedes ver algunas de mis fotos.si piensas ir a cuba hasme saver yo tengo todo tipo de equipo por alla y amigos que viven de la pesca y pescan todos los dias no tendras problemas para pescar.por aca tampoco se consigue nada de equipos lo que tengo lo he comprado en internet en sitios italianos a muy buenos precios.bueno como dices dame un grito y muchos saludos para ti.leonardo.
hey Leonardo, es Tone tambien SettingSteel de MedFish cuando vi un cubano en holandia pense en ti pero no me imagine que eras tu...saludos!
hola compadre.i was reading your post on mamba and all i can tell you is if you dont have one get it,i got one for my cyrano 110 and i love it.im used to big guns with big shafts 10mm and last year igot a cyrano with a mamba kit and i like it so much tha im going to get it for all my guns(have then copied in cuba)much cheaper jajaja.what about your plans with spain?im thinking of going for 2 weeks to miami in the summer if you are interestid i can get you one of those kits.saludos de un cubano en holandia.
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yeah do that, but only if you can help me install it. Spain is still something that we are contemplating, but probably part of the year. When will you be in Miami? send me an email at my yahoo acct so we can plan a hunt...saludos
hey boys (& girls i suppose),

i'm in costa rica, runnin round all central america... is there any place on this website to get with folks from round here? yeah, i'm new on the site, but i been in the water since i was born....been all over....
thanks ya'll...happy huntin....

Hi! Just came back from Costa Rica (Guanacaste). Tried inshore spearfishing there. Few mackereles (up to 6 kg),
snappers, surf perches etc. Lot of whitefintips sharks.Once the stringer with my day catch was stolen from the float. The best catch was 15-20 kg roosterfish.


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