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hunting with a sling

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Jul 5, 2005
today i was out in water 8 feet deep, with a fairly decent current, hunting parrotfish, while doing aspetto's, the current would actually move the front of my speargun around a lot, and sometimes i had to fight the current to line it up on fish, consequently, i didnt take many shots, and missed about 40% of the ones i did take, and wow, never knew fish could actually laugh at you :head but them parrotfish were doing loops and stuff and coming right up to me laughing when i missed rofl

started thinking about a sling, wondering about its advantages in the conditions i was in today, i couldnt do an aspetto, because both hands would be dealing with the sling, but would that be countered by the ease of aiming in the current?

stupid question, but slings use really soft bands right? like polespear bands?
Were you using your short little gun or your longer one? Sounds like you need to buy the mid handle wong you wanted. Two hands on it should make it easier to shoot in the current I would think. On the polespear question I will let an expert answer that.
i got my reefgun set back up

i'll get the wong, yea, but not just yet.. got plans for that baby
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