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Hurricane Relief

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Professional Snorkeler
Dec 8, 2003
With Hurricanes pounding North America from all sides this past week it was with a great deal of effort that we were able to get offshore in central america and land a few good fish. Craig Clasen took some time off from doing multiple 100'+ dives (on only his 3rd bluewater trip) to shoot some nice wahoo and other pelagics while Brandon Wahlers and myself did our best to keep the Yellowfin Tuna and Wahoo numbers in check.
We had some serious gear testing while we were there with big fish and long shots as well as some deep challenging diving in rough water and strong currents. Labocetta thanks for getting those new OMER Carbon fins to me in time, you have no idea how much difference they made diving all day every day coming up from the deep drops and working hard on the surface against the current. Brandon and I had problems with the billfish and wahoo charging us on the surface after we put the new flashers on our fins. Hope the weather has been good for everyone else in the world and these pics help those who got hit hard this week convince their insurances companies that they need that money for a new boat NOW!!!!!


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I used a new OMER America 130 for the bluewater and a 110 for the Reef and deep diving with a Reel. Brandon used his homemade guns that are absolute cannons! I still prefer a lighter Euro gun if i can get away with it and luckily fish think i am as stupid as them so they come within range of my guns.
Very impressive! What's this about flashers on the fins? Can you post a pic?


I forgot, I fish here in Texas with Guy Nesbitt and last year with your brother in law Ron. Krauss too.
Do you have his number? I know that he is in Waco but he does not respond the emails, maybe he change his address.

By the way, I saw nice pictures from Hatteras!!!!!!!



Hey you guys should be ashamed of yourselves posting this crap under that heading at this time
You should have got off your arses and driven to Loisiana and carted a truck load of people out instead of diving.
The help from the rest of the US to these poor b......s is bloody slack and the way some of the devious b.......s are behaving there is digusting too looting and raping etc.
When I say looting I am not talking about pinching a few tins of food or bottles of water but (anyone should be entitled to do that in this sort of emergrncy) but I am talking about stealing TVs etc .
A lot of people think the US is the most superior and sophisticated country in the world but the way it has come accross on news reports is worse than disaster situations in the asian tsunami and war zones in Iraq.
The US government should have been a lot quicker and more organised in sending in heaps of trucks and buses full of food and water and bringing them out full of the people who have been stuck for days living surounded by fear and squalor.
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Don't post if you don't know what you are talking about. Craig Clasen and his Brother Charlie who were there with us are from New Orleans and came home only to have their asses absolutely kicked and their lives shattered. A good part of my family is there as well and you have no idea how much we have been doing for them the past week. I don't think a Willy willy has come through OZ in a long time that has done nearly as much damage as this. The past two years in Florida and New Orleans we have become professionals at trying to pick up the pieces of our lives after having 165mph winds come through and wipe everything out and destroy our homes.
It is a relief for those two guys to get a chance to see themselves happy doing what they love the most and forget just for one second that they aren't under 8 feet of water and have no jobs and no personel belongings.
Have a wonderful day
Sorry if I caused any offence.
I just took the story at face value from what I could see written there and was probably slightly shocked to see a story about guys having a good time under that heading when I had just been watching all the crap going on in New Orleans.
I dont have any problem with anyone involved in any way going for a dive after suffering this trauma - I do that sort of thing myself.
my only complaint was that it appeared to me that the story title was making light of this tragic event.
Now that you have clarified the situation i can see it was not your intention.
as for willy willies in Aus I still remeber quite clearly giving a couple of gifts to the kids camped next to us at Huskisson where they had come to stay with relos after there house and nearly all the others in Darwin were flattened.
The only difference was that back then and even now Darwin had bugger all people compared to New Orleans.
Best regards
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I just saw this post as I was one of those who lost it all in Katrina...I for one am glad that Cam was out having a good time...why should we all be miserable? As for the government, honestly it wasnt their fault...its just easy for forieners to play the blame Bush game...those people should have gotten out like the rest of us. For Christs sake they live -8ft of sea level.....

Nice fish Cam.
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