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I´m New

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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New Member
Feb 20, 2005
I´m New, can anyone help me, please

Hi Everyone,
If anyone can help me please get in touch. I am completely new to the sport of spear fishing, and would like as much information as possible, regarding where and when I can fish, (I live in Tenerife), also what lisences if any do I need, where would I get them, are there any fees involved, and what types of fish will I see and which can I shoot?
Any help will be gratefully recieved, Many Thanks Starsky :wave
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best bet would be to post in the "Spearo Network" Forum farther down the page. I'm sure you'll find someone to guide you!

Welcome to DB
Hi Starsky,
If you send me a private message with your email I can send you some documents about spearfishing regs in the Canaries. Even though you don't need a firearms licence to own a speargun in Spain, You do need a spearfishing licence which you can get at Ministerio de Agricultura, Ramaderia y Pesca. I belive that Tenerife will have an office there. I'tll be around 13 euros, at least where I live it is. Then you need third party insurance that you can get from a Federated Diving club for around 35 euros. Ask around to see if you can get it without having to be a member of the club, otherwise you may have to pay around 50 euros or whatever to join. If you go to an insurer by yourself it's around 125 euros. I'll email you more details. Don't dive without the licence, thay can confiscate all your equipment as well as fine you a hefty amount.

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