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I missed @#$#@$ 4 times!!

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New Member
Oct 4, 2006
Went hunting yesterday. The ocean was nice and calm. I had around 5, 2 to 3 lb fish on my stringer when a 10lb lingcod decided to eat one of them. This fish swam right up to me and tried to eat one of the fish on my stringer. I pulled back on my pole spear and from inches let him have it. I MISSED, i could't belive it. The fish swam down to the bottom about 30' and just stopped by a rock. I swam down and lined up on him and .....I MISSED again. HE was not moving standing still. Off he swam and shaking my head i continure to hunt shooting 3 more fast moving 15" blues with no problem.

Then i felt a tug on my stringer..there are not sharks here to worrry aobut, and the lingcod was back. SO i lined up on him again and let him have it.......I MISSED again lol damn whats wrong with me i cant hit the broad side of a barn all of a sudden. That fish followed me around and once again i took careful aim and then....I MISSED! but this time i nicked him and off he went.

Moral of the story: Buy a gun

Or: Get those correctional lenses you can mount inside your mask

Or: Grenade fishing!
Deckhand i dive in the FT Bragg area of N. California. The only sharks here are the Whites which i have never seen and are easy to aviod. just dont dive around a seal haulout.
That ling was such a easy shot i didnt concentrate on where the spear was going to hit the fish so i shot over it all four times.
My speargun is in the shop i lost the bottom piece that screws onto the spear.
Might be like sea bass -- the big ones are more wary, smarter and faster than the small ones (despite expectations to the contrary). That's probably how they got to be so big!
Simple explanation - The fish won and you lost. That is the nature of life in the ocean. I don't shoot except with a camera but I can imagine your frustration, but just think - that fish will be there for you to try again if you should meet again that is.
Work on your aiming best thing I say. Next time you go out find that fish and takeout his whole family. Lol

how do you plp mount fish on a stringer and not go crazy thinking about sharks, i don't know i'm from miami,fl,usa i guess there's maybe just alot of sharks here and thats why i'm crazy about not getting eaten myself.

safe diving. .
Martin we dont have sharks in Northern California that you have to worry about. Except the Great whites which you have to be stupid to encounter one.
The lingcod take the place of the reef sharks here. Fish on a stinger or a fresh shot struggling fish sometimes brings them in to you.
How big do those lingcod get? Do they just go after your fish or can they hurt you also. Just curious.
You guys don’t find it easier just to tow a boogie board behind you and throw your fish on that after each kill.?? or are you on scuba
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Lingcod get up to about 70lbs. But they are so heavly fished and hunted that a 30lb fish is a trophy. They are common around the 5 to 15 pund range. They are fast and agressive fish when food is around and hang around on the bottom or near the bottom the rest of the time. Never heard of one bothering someone except for a defensive bite for the rookie fisherman.

I am freedriving and just swimming and hunting. Keeping track of a tube or board is a pain in the ass for me as i work around rocks. It eaiser for me to use a second weightbelt and strap everything i need to it and just swim.
Thanks for the info on the Lingcod.

Yeah I understand your point; I use the board when I’m in heavy current and can’t easily swim back to the boat after each shot. Are rocks in Miami aren’t that crazy so maneuvering is ok. Wish I was able to hunt near shore like you guys up there( from what I hear) .

theres not much near shore hunting around here. Plus bull sharks aren’t that fun.
Here if you look you can find good hunting just swimming out from shore. i have a place that is easy access getting to the water and lots of fish with only a 100 yard or so swim.
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