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i need a spear for my 75 yilmaz deniz

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New Member
Jun 1, 2020
I lost the spear for my gun, i can't seem to find one online, does anyone know anybody who stocks them? or can i use a spear from a different brand? cheers
Other brand should work but American brands, esp woodies, often require a square notched spear while European spearguns and South African style railguns typically require a semi-circle notch for their trigger mechs.

Make sure the spear you get is long enough. Typically spears should extend significantly beyond the muzzle when loaded e.G. 40cm beyond, depending on barrel length.

Choose an appropriate spear diameter for the power of your speargun (and the fish you target). 6.3-7mm is typical for a single band euro-/rail - gun with 16mm-20mm rubber. Maybe 6.5mm-7.5mm for double bands.
Just looked up the model mentioned in the thread title, it looks like a real cheapy. A spear alone might cost more than the speargun. You could try a spear from a similar cheap model, for example I think spearfishingstore.co.uk sell spears for the small, inexpensive Apnea models which might fit the build.

Spears on this type of cheap speargun are often thicker than normal (presumably because cheaper steel is used and/or to handle a hard life in the hands of beginners around rocks). They often require a sliding ring around the spear to hold the spearline. BTW How did you lose your spear?
Typically spears should extend significantly beyond the muzzle when loaded e.G. 40cm beyond, depending on barrel length.

The spear shaft doesn't extend 40cm beyond the end of the muzzle! It usually extends around 27cm beyond the end of the muzzle, called overhang (for a spear shaft that includes the spear tip). What you probably meant is that the typical shaft length is gun barrel length + 40cm but NOT 40 cm beyond the end of the muzzle. Sometimes shorter barrel length guns, 75cm or shorter, require less than 40cm + barrel lenght, shorter overhang.

Example: For a 90cm barrel length, the spear shaft length will be = 90 + 40 = 130cm with around 27cm overhang (the part that extends out beyond the end of the muzzle).

Not everyone goes with these length approximations and some spearos will change the lenghts including the overhang based on their requirements and the type of gun and conditions in the specific environment and type of fish they are targeting.
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Just looked up the model mentioned in the thread title, it looks like a real cheapy. A spear alone might cost more than the speargun. You could try a spear from a similar cheap model, for example I think spearfishingstore.co.uk sell spears for the small, inexpensive Apnea models which might fit the build.

Spears on this type of cheap speargun are often thicker than normal (presumably because cheaper steel is used and/or to handle a hard life in the hands of beginners around rocks). They often require a sliding ring around the spear to hold the spearline. BTW How did you lose your spear?
thanks for the help, I lost it when the string broke after shooting it, I didn't notice until it was too late
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Hi divingnomad, apoligies you are probably right, thanks. I note a recent trend by some manufacturers for shorter spears, no doubt mainly to cut costs, which is not altogether welcome.

I see some Oz retailers have pushed back, telling manfacturers that their market expects and requires "full length" spears. Reducing spear length by, say, 5cm can make sense for some specific models (e.g. the fast tracking Omer XXV Gold, where it fits in with the overall ethos of the model). However, it can and is being taken too far in some cases IMHO (e.g. my otherwise very nice Apnea ST60).
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I lost the spear for my gun, i can't seem to find one online, does anyone know anybody who stocks them? or can i use a spear from a different brand? cheers

Alfiet, you certainly buy generic shaft, which is not made for any specific model. Like mentioned earlier, you will need to make sure the shaft you are buying fit your gun. Your shaft has to be

1. 7mm diameter, preferably. You can use thinner shafts, but original for your gun was 7mm.
2. Rear end must be half moon, like mr.X mentioned, american shafts with square lock will not work with your trigger.
3. Rear end must have a flared portion, which is wider (lool like hammered flat), so that sliding ring will have something to catch onto. This is generally, any european shaft made for closed muzzle spearguns. Shafts without that flaring will need some engineering, perhaps drilling and pinning.
4. It absolutely has to be notched shaft. Shark fins might not fit through closed muzzle.
5. the length, as mentioned earlier, will be somewhere at 98cm, this is the smallest that will work, if the shaft is threaded, with no tip. If shaft you are thinking about buying has a flopper already, then go with 105 cm as abolutely smallest. It is better if you measure yourself and not rely on what I said.

With so many specific requirements, get ready to spend hours searching on internet for the shaft for this gun. Out of 100’s of shafts, there maybe one that will work, and not every online store will have those. But, those shafts with notches and flares, and threaded ends are often cost less than 20$, maybe even 10$, so it might be worthwhile. Made from black steel, sometimes anodized, but could be bare and as such will rust and bend easily.
Or perhaps one like this?

Spear: https://www.spearfishingstore.co.uk/apnea/nemrod-classic-replacement-spear-75cm-gun.html

Tip: https://www.spearfishingstore.co.uk/nemrod-classic-spare-spear-tip.html?search=Spear apnea nemrod

You'll likely need a line ring kit too. Seen it for sale at same site before but couldn't find it just now.

BTW Their spearuns start at only £24 inc. spear. If you can afford it, the Apnea Whaler model looks to be quite high specification and quite good price when on 30% off sale. I met a newbie using a Whaler and he loved it.
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