Wow.... just, wow. Why give an explanation? Because you have made extremely base-less claims for a start.
"By day, Malloy works in the mechanical design of airborne and ground based hyperspectral sensors at an optical engineering company in Australia."
I'd say he's possibly a little more than a dreamer.... But who am I to argue that they "typically" employ an engineer in an engineering position at an engineering company...
well I guess there are engineers and then there are engineers.
Now think a little, is it so much to ask. What airplanes do, or what helicopters do when their engine fail? Don't be quick, if you are not flying then at least bother to google some basics. Now imagine falling from the sky like a rock on this shiite.
That is, if he manages to hook up all the gyro's and other fly-by-wire gyzmo and make it actually to work. He already mentioned the risk of tipping over. This kind of problems do not exist on R22, or Cessna 152 or any other ugly, boring aircraft that are dream to fly.
Ask yourself another question - why does he think he will have his bike type-certified and going into commercial production within a year? Maybe he doesn't know how it works, all the certification and such. And production too. Well, there is a beauty in boldness, but not when I see moronic design being drooled over by bunch of by-standers.
Now think (yet again) about innocent investors, because not one serious insitutional investor will bother, it will be all little guys, like you and me, investing their real and hard earned money into this joke. And he is talking about looking for investors.
Keep going, another question yet. Why didn't he manage to squeeze one little fuzzy picture of his bike flying, without being strapped to the ground? This is a big deal, publicity opportunity, not too many get such coverage more than once. So why didn't he bother to show off a little? Or maybe he couldn't?
He asked in that article some
real engineers to join and help him to solve some problems - tell me why. No, no no, you think and then you tell me. Most amateur built aircraft do not need fluid dynamics computations, its all empirical, pre-calculated design choices. Wing load and lift and such things are simple to compute. Just don't tell me his bike doesn't have any wings - that will make you look real silly.