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I want to change my nickname

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.

Apnea Boy

New Member
Dec 7, 2004
I want to change my nickname
but i dont know how..

can you the menagers help me please?

i would like to change it in to Apnea Boy

it is very important to me please.
ilan-gu said:
I want to change my nickname
but i dont know how..
Me I dont' want to change my nickname. I just want to put some sauce on it rofl
(and I don't know how!)
spaghetti said:
Me I dont' want to change my nickname. I just want to put some sauce on it rofl
(and I don't know how!)
That's not too difficult, if you do not mind putting the sauce under the spaghetti instead of over it - finally I always mix my spaghetti with the sauce before the consumation, so it should not mind too much. Simply go to your User CP (Control Panel) and in Edit Profile type "sauce" or "frutti di mare sauce" into the field Custom User Title :D
Yes, I always add the pasta to sauce which is still cooking in the pan, toss a few times then serve. Alla vongole if possible........rofl rofl
You can't change your name yourself, only an admin who has access to the user admin control panel can do this. Stephen probably has the force to do this...
I've tried but can't seem to get it done. I think Stephan is the guy to do this,
Erik Y.
BTW, there is already [ame="http://forums.deeperblue.net/member.php?u=5903"]View Profile: apneaboy@@AMEPARAM@@View Profile: apneaboy</title>@@AMEPARAM@@apneaboy[/ame] in the member list, and although it is without the space betwen the two words, it might be confusing to have two practically identical names.
Please don't laugh.

It is very important to me because people in Isreal know me as Apnea Boy from the forums. and i would like to start writing in Deeper Blue

and "apneaboy" dose not seems to be active now, so it won't be confusing+i have my signature.

an Erik maybe you can juse delete my user And I will register newly.
ilan-gu said:
an Erik maybe you can juse delete my user And I will register newly.
That might be the thing to do, as long as you are ok with it.
Just open a new account for now with your new DB name.
Erik Y.
There is no need to erase, The problem is solved and thank all those who tried to help
trux said:
That's not too difficult, if you do not mind putting the sauce under the spaghetti instead of over it - finally I always mix my spaghetti with the sauce before the consumation, so it should not mind too much. Simply go to your User CP (Control Panel) and in Edit Profile type "sauce" or "frutti di mare sauce" into the field Custom User Title :D
I've done it! Spaghetti alla puttanesca! rofl
Apnea Boy, I am as heterosexual as can be, but I have to say that you are a handsome young man.
Those eyes could get you into a lot of trouble brother!

Erik Y.


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Erik said:
Apnea Boy, I am as heterosexual as can be, but I have to say that you are a handsome young man.
Those eyes could get you into a lot of trouble brother!
Erik Y.
Just an anticipation of the next "An the winner is..." thread?
It's the Mediterranean lashes. The world is full of women who would kill for them and they only grow on the men. Go figure!
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