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Identify this Fish! And, Spearfishing in Southern UK?

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New Member
Aug 25, 2005
Spearfishing in Southern UK?

Hey all,

I've just recently got into spearfishing here in Southern California, and it's been a blast thus far! Anyhow, I'm moving to Colchester in about 2 days to get my Master's at Essex, and I don't want to give up my favorite hobby while in the UK! Any of you UK guys know of some good shore spots close by?

James D.
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Nothing around the coast line of Essex especially at this time of year. Your best bet is to contact the London International Club or look at the BSA web site (underwaterfishing.com) as well as deeperblue At this time of year every dive is a bonus that said last year I was diving until December. If your into comps or might just want to take part and see what it all about the BSA organise comp every year South/ South West/ coast, channel islands and in the past Wales. I would imagine that if you want to keep diving you will be heading for the south coast quite a lot, you will need at least a 5mm full suit with a hood, a 7mm is even worn by some, especially early in the year.
Good luck
Personally the nearest spot I've speared to the area you will be in is Newhaven (near Brighton). Good bass fishing on the arm of the harbour where the Seacat departs from but seasonal, i.e. May-October realistically. Good for squid early in the year too. I agree with flattie basher ref: London Club and BSA. Good luck. BTW watch out for the Essex girls rofl rofl
Thanks for the info, Flattie. Disappointing . . . I do have a 7mm full-body suit, though, so that's good news, or would be if there were any good spearing to be done on the frickin' south coast of England. Argh.

Yeah Spaniard, that's what every person from England that I've met has told me about the fine ladies of Essex . . . whooo-haaa! I may need to study up on my bearded-clam snatching tactics! It's too bad I've never really been into the whole "clam chowder" thing . . .

I could make a million more equally stupid allusions, I suppose. Thanks for the tips though! Guess I'll be lugging my spearo gear along after all.

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Don't be to dissapointed there is some very good spearing to be done on the south coast its just a bit different with regard to fish and conditions.
Here a bit of a quiz then what the farest east that people spear regularly in the UK along the south coast. Mines Bexhill/hastings.
Some sand bank off Margate in mid winter BRRRRRRRRRR for Cod of all things, once and only once :(
My furthest South East is a place called Camber Sands, near Rye, or Lydd Airport for those of you that know the "venue" from back in the dayz ;), Oh and judging by you name Flattie Basher you might want to check it out. Easy takes on the knife but pants Vis...

Deirmendjian I can't help you with the fish (looks like a cross between a freshwater perch and a saltwater bass) but I can highly recommend you venture a bit further West on the south coast for Polefishing as you will need the Vis of the Atlanatic rather than the North Sea to stand a chance with your fishing method ;)
Littlehampton is about as far as I go.... but only when very very very flat calm water! The slightest breeze knocks all that area out, Bognor, Solent etc etc all suffer if someone as much as sneezes!
Thanks for the reassurance flattie. I'm really looking forward to nailing some of those UK seabass, if I get the chance!

Soul Deep: for certain, I think, I will be purchasing a speagun very soon. Hell, my little brother just bought a 97cm Cyrano to his regret, wished he had spent the money on a new guitar, so I may just buy it off him. Unless you or anyone else has any recommendations.
Spaniard said:
BTW watch out for the Essex girls rofl rofl

I'd be more wary of the high populations of boy-racing, Burberry-clad chav's!!!rofl And then there are the chavette's!! Don't tred on their turf at McDonalds!rofl

Anyway...far away from all that is....Dorset and the West Country/Wales!
Keep a watch on the Dorset Spearfishing thread...scroll through for the pics or look at the 'member galleries'.

Look at Multimap.com to get the names of interesting towns/villages on the coast and use the aerial photo tool provided,

Once you have some names, use Google Image search to see pics of the nice coastline around the south of England.
Here's an example........

..and a great campsite http://www.durdle-door.co.uk/

Pity it's coming to winter...but there's still fish around!

That fish is a Juvenile White Seabass. It is, however, well short of legal size. There are a LOT of rules to do just about anyting here in Sunny Southern California, spearing inlcuded, so be prepared. I sent you a PM with some info on the fish and the fish and Game department so that you can get better informed while spearing here, and have fun without risking getting in trouble.

Here is a pic of an adult seabass for reference. The minimum size for a White seabass is 28"- and yes, a 28 incher looks pretty big compared to the other fish you see on a typical beach dive, so be sure that you understand just how big that is so you don't have to shoot first and measure second. They are beautiful fish, and as you stated, are great eating. They are also easily targeted when small, and thus the protection with a size limit.


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Reactions: SurfnSpear
NICE FISH Jimikinz! Salivating at the thought of all that Sea Bass family fillet!
Thanks alot SurfnSpear. That durdle door venue looks real nice, almost like some of the stuff we have here in the states in Northern California. I'll have to get my camping gear together and make a trip out there . . .
Essex Uni Alumnus here!!! Asked the same question a few years back all it took me was a look at the crap coloured waters around Clacton to put me off the idea of spearing the UK southeast forever. Hardly worth the hassle mate.
..yep, out in the kelp. point loma, la Jolla, the coronado islands, all the kelps along the beach up the coast....they all hold 'em. You juyst gotta put some time in find the bait, and the seabass are usually there too.
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