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Immersion Camo Wetsuit

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Gasping Git
Aug 8, 2005
I want to buy a camo wetsuit and have considered the 5mm Jacket and Long John one by Immersion as suggested by Foxfish at around £135. I am afraid that I am a bit impatient and would hate to wait for a month for a custom made else I would definitely have gone Elios. My current Mare was not meant for spearing and has bright green features that make stealth impossible.

Can you please advise with suggestions and your ratings of the various ones out there.


Are you what is considered a standard size for wetsuits? I only say this as because you need a snug fit i.e. not too tight, not loose, the major suit makers follow a standard sizing and unless you fit in their parameters , the suit will always be just a little tight/loose. This will affect your 'enjoyment' in the water and affects how quickly you potentially lose body heat, how restricted you chest is when you breathe up etc. etc. In summary I think a MTM suit is always the way to go but check the sizing charts where possible to see how closely your body measurements correlate.
Check out www.diveskin.net

From ordering custom, to getting it in states - it takes less then 2 weeks :)

p.s. IMO it's better to wait a bit and get a custom wetsuit :)
Thanks for the comments I will look at the diveskin site. I am 193 cm tall and weigh about 105 kg with 117cm chest and 92 cm waist so guess I will have to go custom.
Put it this way Spaniard, I have met him & You wouldn't want to fight him!!:crutch
I think they might be right big feller. Although the Immersion has a very good camo design & colour, I dont think they do a custom made service? The camo suit on that American site does look good though.
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foxfish said:
Put it this way Spaniard, I have met him & You wouldn't want to fight him!!:crutch
I think they might be right big feller. Although the Immersion has a very good camo design & colour, I dont think they do a custom made service? The camo suit on that American site does look good though.

Hello boys,
My suit is a custom job from that site (its Greek, not American), great prices for a custom suit (less than £100), good service from Spiros, took no more than 2 weeks to get here, and that was for 2 suits.
He does some camo types, they don't look as cool as Foxy's imersion, but the "urban" style looks like it would be good, not kean on the Green Army myself, but to each their own.
Just noticed the urban cammo is only 3mm, you might get a bit chilly in that one until August!
I am going to try and be patient and order the elios. Will be taking the measurements tonight so if another Guern wanted to combine orders let me know.


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