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Course Immersion Freediving PFI Intermediate course August 5-8 Fort Lauderdale

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Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2011
Immersion Freediving will be running a PFI Intermediate course August 5-8. Jason from Slingfish will be in the course, and will be giving all people that sign up a $100 gift certificate for use in the Slingfish store.

Average student does a 4-5 minute breath hold in the pool.
Average student does a 100ft freedive in the ocean.

Details about the course can be found here

Here is the link to sign up

Use this discount code slingfish5 for 5% discount off of the course fees.

Once you've completed the course you are eligible for training trips. I run trips almost every other weekend. On these trips you can come out and dive on the line just like class. You can also bring you gun and dive on the lines. Here you will learn how to integrate what you learned in your freediving class with spearfishing.

Feel free to call 954-324-4444 with any questions.

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